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华裔核能工程师间谍案 下周开庭

发表于 8-11-2016 15:08:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Aug 11, 2016
http://www.voachinese.com/a/news ... 160811/3460283.html


"今年4月因间谍罪被起诉的美籍华裔核能工程师何则雄(Szuhsiung Ho,音译),将于下周出庭应讯。同时被起诉的还有何则雄的雇主——中国广核集团(CGN)。

"广核集团是一家央企,在中英法三国合作的欣克利角核电项目中占股33%。然而该项目于7月28日被英国新政府突然叫停,据《卫报》报道,原因是 '考虑到有中国参与。'

(a) Hinckley Point
(a headland near Bridgwater, Somerset)

, whose proposed Hinckley Point C (HPC; a nuclear station, besides two already constructed nuclear stations HPA and HPB) involves China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN; 广核集团).

(b) in chronological order
(i) Press release: US Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States. US Department of Justice, Apr 14, 2016.
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/u ... ology-international
(3 entities were charged: (A) Szuhsiung Ho, aka Allen Ho"; (B) "China General Nuclear Power Company (CGNPC), formerly known as the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Company"; and (C) Energy Technology International (ETI); their relationship: "Ho is * * * employed by CGNPC as a senior advisor and is also the owner and president of ETI.  Born in China, he is a naturalized US citizen * * * ETI is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Ho's home in Wilmington, Delaware")

There is no need to read the rest of the indictment.
(ii) The VOA report cites 卫报. A related report in 卫报 is as follows.

Rob Davies, Who Is the US Engineer Accused of Nuclear Espionage? Guardian, Aug 11, 2016.
https://www.theguardian.com/busi ... -szuhsiung-allen-ho


"a 66-year-old American citizen who was born in Taiwan, educated in the US * * * Ho came to the US in 1973 [~23 years old] to attend the University of California and married his wife Anne a year later.  He received a PhD in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois in 1980, and became a naturalised US citizen three years later.

"The couple are childless, but Ho fathered a son outside the marriage in 2007. * * * Prosecutors say he [Ho] has two flats [British English for 'apartments'] in China, one of his own and another for his son and the boy's [Chinese] mother [who is not Anne].

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