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Water Resources of Israel and Palestine

发表于 8-11-2016 16:38:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Water in the West Bank | Not Yet a Drop to Drink; Palestinians go thirsty, despite sitting on an underground ocean. Economist, July 30, 2016.
http://www.economist.com/news/mi ... -ocean-nor-yet-drop

1 1/2 consecutive paragraphs:

"Israelis once obsessed over the level of their largest natural reservoir, the Sea of Galilee. As The Economist went to press, it was just 11cm above its 'red line,' the point at which Israel stops pumping water to avoid ecological damage. Yet this no longer causes public concern, for most of Israel's water is artificially produced. About a third comes from desalination plants that are among the world's most advanced. Farmers rely on reclaimed water [see the next sentence for meaning] for irrigation. Israel recycles 86% of its wastewater, the highest level anywhere; Spain, the next best, reuses around 20%.

"None of these high-tech solutions helps the Palestinians, though, because they are not connected to Israel's water grid. They rely on the so-called 'mountain aquifer,' which lies beneath land Israel occupied in 1967.

Note: The following explains "mountain aquifer" -- called Yarkon-Taninim Aquifer in en.wikipedia.org, which there is no need to read because it is not informative.
(a) Judean Mountains
(i) West Bank Map. Free World Maps, undated
("Judean mountains" is marked)
(ii) The adjective "Judean" is derived from ancient Judea.
(iii) Judean Mountains "reach a height of 1,000 m."  en.wikipedia.org

(A) aquifer
("is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock * * * from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well")
(B) aquifer (n; from Latin aqui- (from aqua 'water') + -fer 'bearing')
(A) groundwater recharge
(B) This (recharge)  happens especially in the mountains. See 2. Mountain Aquifer - Key Water Reservoir. Shomron Central, undated.
(iii) Shomron is Modern Hebrew for English word of Samaria.

Samaria: "[Latin spelling] from Greek Samareia, from Aramaic Shamerayin, ultimately from Hebrew Shomeron, from Shemer, name of the owner who sold the site to King Omri (see [Old Testament] I Kings xvi:24)"
Online Etymology Dictionary, undated.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-11-2016 16:38:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-11-2016 16:39 编辑

(c) Two views of mountain aquifer
(i) lateral view

David Scarpa, Course 1 Groundwater Flow and Transport. In Capacity Building for a Program in Water Resources Management in Gaza and the West Bank. M.Sc. program developed jointly by Islamic University of Gaza, Bethlehem University, An-Najah University and Purdue University, 2002

, whose "Figure 1.1 NW--SE sketch geological section through the Mountain Aquifer," with the blue color signifying the mountain aquifer. The "Formations" in the legend of six colors are strata, plural of stratum.

* geological formation
(A formation consists of a certain number of rock strata that have a comparable lithology, facies or other similar properties)
* Water in an aquifer moves by gravity along the aquifer.
(ii) top view:

Haim Gvirtzman, The Israeli-Palestinian Water Conflict: An Israeli Perspective. The Begin-Sadat Cener for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, January 2012 (Mieast Security and Pokicy Studies No 94)
http://besacenter.org/mideast-se ... li-perspective-3-2/
(Fig 11 at page 25)
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