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发表于 8-22-2016 08:55:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-22-2016 09:34 编辑

(1) 夏小华, 蔡英文 '九一记者节' 与记者茶叙. RFA, Aug 21, 2016

the last two paragraphs:

"不过,被问到台湾佛教徒关切的敏感议题时,蔡英文的答案没有新意。(记者:总统有机会任内规划邀请达赖喇嘛来台湾吗?)蔡英文:'嗯、、、我们看情况吧!看清况吧!'  蔡英文对是否欢迎这位过去她所推崇,并在她当选时致函祝贺的诺贝尔和平奖宗教领袖访台? '实问虚答。'

"达赖喇嘛2009年应民进党县市长之邀为风灾祈福,蔡英文主动与他见面,马英九则避而不见,而且直到2016卸任都未再批准他入境。日前路透社引述民进党高层透露达赖喇嘛 '最快可能在国庆日来访,' 但从蔡英文的 '冷回答,' 看不出迹象。

My comment: The photo caption is "媒体与蔡总统的首次会面被迫 '就地发稿。'  (夏小华拍摄)." I assume 发稿 means writing down her statements in notebooks. I search the Web and this is the only news report that deals with the issue. And I can not figure out why no chairs (plus desks) were provided.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-22-2016 08:55:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-22-2016 11:19 编辑

(2) 蔡慧貞,【獨家內幕】7月底徐旭東入府怒嗆[;] 小英:你可以對總統這麼大聲沒有關係...   上報 Up Media, Aug 19, 2016

My comment:
(a) At the bottom of this report, there is 相關報導, the third and last report is: 千日抗爭路 國道收費員爭權始末.

Read a few paragraphs to have some idea.
(b) Founded in July, this year (2016), Up Media is online only (without hard copy).
(c) This is a summary of what happened. 徐旭東 (Douglas Hsu; 1941- (age 75); a Shanghaiese-born son of a textile mogul; two master's degrees--an MBA from Notre Dame and economics from Columbia; wife is Mary, an American; asset $1.75 billion: Forbes estimated in 2008; all based on zh.wikipedia.org) owns Far Eastern Group 遠東集團. To collect freeway fees, Taiwan contracted 遠通, a subsidiary of Far Eastern. In 2013 the collection was converted into an electronic system, where a moto vehicle was equipped with a trnsducer. 遠通 ended its contract with collection employees, helped them with finding new jobs. Out of ~900, half of them refused to take new jobs and become unemployed. They agitated. During presidential campaign, Tsai vaguely promised to help them. This month, some of those unemployed set up a long-term protest in front of DPP headquarters. Tsai quickly capitulated.
(d) In my view, Tsai has no intention to follow law (including contract law), despite the fact that she holds a law PhD from England.
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