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发表于 9-6-2016 14:41:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Violet Law, Chinese Rights Lawyer, in Exile in San Francisco: 'I was jailed before, and I know exactly what it was like,' Los Angeles Times, Sept 4, 2016.
http://www.latimes.com/world/asi ... 804-snap-story.html


"After 42 days of detention, at times with death row inmates, and an additional month of house arrest, Chen [Taihe 陈泰和] became the first Chinese national in nearly four years to be released into exile in the US when he was put on a plane bound for San Francisco in March. Weeks into his detention, his pregnant wife and their 7-year-old son fled China on visas previously approved for Chen's cultural exchange at a law school.

" 'I know her [王宇] as one of the bravest lawyers,' said Chen, now a visiting scholar at the University of California's Hastings law school, adding that her sudden snub has caused the ABA some embarrassment.

"After studying juries in the US and Britain in 2013, he led four Chinese lawyers to observe a jury trial at a Honolulu courthouse. It was the friendship he forged with a retired judge there that eventually helped win his freedom. * * * When Raffetto spotted Chen’s name on the list of lawyers in detention, he immediately started looking online for help for him and got in touch with the Dui Hua Foundation * * * John Kamm, the foundation's founder and executive director, declining to detail how he had secured Chen’s release.

(a) 乔龙, 广西律师陈泰和律师首次披露被刑拘过程. RFA, Sept 21, 2015
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 09212015125454.html
("陈泰和7月12日被以涉嫌 '煽动颠覆国家政权罪' 等三项罪名刑事拘留,一个月后 [8月22日] 转为监视居住。 * * * 江洁带着7岁的儿子在今年8月5日,抵达美国旧金山后发现,其本人和丈夫名下的银行及股票账户均被桂林市公安局七星分局冻结。目前,怀孕的江洁一人带着孩子,在美国没有任何经济来源")
(b) Shackley Raffetto was "appointed to the Second Circuit [a trial court; circuit court handles cases more complicated and serious than district court. governor appoints a circuit court judge with consent of senate for a term of ten years; the judge can reapply] in 1994 and became chief judge in 2000" and retired in 2012 when "he reached the mandatory retirement age" of 70.

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