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发表于 9-9-2016 11:41:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
夏小华, RFA独家:台湾在野党立委林昶佐转述达赖喇嘛乐意访台. RFA, Sept 9, 2016.


(a) "时代力量党立委林昶佐、民进党籍立委谷辣斯与人权团体五日赴印度会见西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛。林昶佐返台对媒体说:'我邀请他来访台湾的时候,他其实、他也是、比较蛮雀跃地说『great』、『great』。'  对此,民进党籍立法院长苏嘉全也回应 '非常欢迎。'  [These are old news.]

(b) "同样也在场的民进党籍立委谷辣斯九日 [today; 怀疑 抹黑民进党 (by that 谷辣斯 means the Tsai Ing-wen administration)] * * * 接受本台专访时,拿出五日一行人与达赖喇嘛会面的影片 [video?],推翻林昶佐所谓 '达赖喇嘛乐意访台' 的说法,并指没有听到达赖喇嘛有说 'great。'


(c) (Because it appears that, through 谷辣斯, appears to distance itself from the invitation to the Dalai Lama, the RFA reporter turns to the Tibetan government-in-exile's representative to Taiwan.)  "正在比利时出席国际支持西藏大会的藏人行政中央驻台代表达瓦才仁越洋受访强调,达赖喇嘛很愿意到台湾,但前提是不要给台湾造成困扰或为难。

Note: 谷辣斯 Kolas Yotaka  (1974- (42 years old); 現任民主進步黨「全國不分區」立法委員 (since 2016) )
(a) Kolas Yotaka. Facebook
("[Q:] 抱歉委員,請問您的Kolas Yotaka 是以下的哪種結構? [the question includs 氏族名] * * * Kolas Yotaka [answers:]  我的名字是〔個人名+ 母/父親名〕")
(b) 回復族名不必再東奔西跑. 台灣教會公報新聞網 (which rounded up reports in this subject)
("Kolas Yotaka現身說法 [which is heading]  尊重原族名 讓台灣更不同 [which is title, and whose character size is larger than the former]   [undated] 【特稿/Kolas Yotaka】去辦理證件,公務人員會告訴我一定要用 「漢人」 看得懂的「漢字」登記我的名字,漢人強調只能接受漢字。例如,我的名字若依字母拼出族語發音,可以寫成「Kolas Yotaka」,Kolas是我的名字,Yotaka是我父親的名字,「Kolas Yotaka」代表「我的名字是Kolas且我是Yotaka的孩子」的意思。不過政府機關不會接受,認為這是大部分漢人看不懂的字,要求我必須用漢人看懂的漢字登記我的名字。例如一定要使用「谷辣斯.尤達卡」來取代「Kolas Yotaka」")

This system is patronymic surname

In early 1990s I had an Indian roommate, who was a PhD student in MIT economics. I asked him how he got the English surname. He replied that that was his father's name. I thought he meant his father's surname. So I asked how his father got that surname. He said it was his father's given name. Then I asked how HE got his father's given name as HIS last name/surname. He said that is the local custom in that part of India. I was doubtful. Since then I have learned patronymic surname (indeed, Russian's middle name is patronymic, coming from father's given name -- plus suffix.

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