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俄军舰陈旧 + 中国想读你的电邮

发表于 9-17-2016 13:47:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 白桦, 俄中军演凸显俄罗斯军舰陈旧. VOA Chinese, Sept 17, 2016
www.voachinese.com/a/news-russia ... 160917/3513403.html
("俄罗斯军舰都是已有30多年舰龄,在前苏联时代就已服役的老军舰,而参加演习的中国军舰都是近几年才服役的新式舰艇。同中国演习让俄罗斯感到国力差距。 * * * 在水面舰艇中,俄罗斯目前不再建造驱逐舰 [not 'no longer' but 'has not;' see next sentence in this quotation] ,仅批量建造护卫舰 [corvette, which is smaller than a destroyer]。 * * * 俄罗斯正在为未来设计新式驱逐舰、航空母舰,以及直升机母舰" )

(a) "在水面舰艇中,俄罗斯目前不再建造驱逐舰 ,仅批量建造护卫舰"

list of active Russian Navy ships
(section 2.4 Destroyers: The last was commissioned in 1994; section 2.6 Corvettes: Since Dec 25, 1991 when Soviet Union collapsed, Russia has had 22 corvettes commissioned)
(b) future of the Russian Navy
(section 1.2 Destryers: It was reported inOctober 2015 that "Twelve ships of the 10,000 tonne Leader-class are planned to enter service from 2023-2025")
(c) "俄罗斯正在为未来设计 * * * 直升机母舰"

Mistral-class amphibious assault ship
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mi ... ibious_assault_ship
(Despite a contract signed on Jan 25, 2011, France on Sept 3, 2014 declined to transfer two ships to Russia, which France later sold to Egypt)

(2) 美媒告诫公民:中国想读到你的电邮. VOA Chinese, Sept 17, 2016
http://www.voachinese.com/a/medi ... 160916/3512509.html

, which is based on

Eli Lake, US Spies Think China Wants to Read Your E-Mail. Bloomberg, Sept 13, 2016
https://www.bloomberg.com/view/a ... to-read-your-e-mail

the first 2 1/2 paragraphs:

"For more than a decade, the US military and intelligence community has quietly warned that the world's largest telecom equipment manufacturer, Huawei, is an arm of the People's Liberation Army and that its phones, circuits and routers are instruments of Chinese eavesdropping.

"Now these agencies are starting a formal review, led by the FBI and the NSA, examining the national security implications of Huawei's potential participation in building the U.S. 5G wireless network, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials.

"These officials told me that while the two largest US telecom providers -- AT&T and Verizon -- have yet to join up with Huawei on this project

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