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駐日代表處館產 + 一中怎表?

发表于 10-15-2016 14:46:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 張茂森 and 陳鈺馥, 駐日代表處館產 竟掛已故馬紀壯名下. Liberty Times, Oct 16, 2016

two consecutive paragraphs:



(a) 施曉光 and 黃建豪, 黨團憂踩紅線 洪秀柱:馬習會有先報告嗎?  Liberty Times, Oct 16, 2016.

Note: 立院國民黨團. 黨團 is caucus in US. For example, US senate has Republican caucus and Democratic Caucus. See Bernie Sanders
("Sanders is the longest-serving independent in US congressional history. Since his election to the House in 1991, he has caucused with the Democratic Party, which has entitled him to committee assignments and at times given Democrats a majority. Sanders became the ranking minority member [ie, he is head of Democrats minority, where majority is of course Republicans] on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015; he had previously served for two years as chair of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee. Sanders' campaign against Hillary Clinton for the party's 2016 Presidential nomination raised more money in small, individual contributions than any other in American history, and helped Sanders to rise to international recognition. This [2016 Democratic primary] was the only time in Sanders' career that he publicly identified as a Democrat, and he has since announced he will return to the Senate as an independent. A self-described democratic socialist")
(b) 洪習會前拋主張? 洪秀柱:一個中國就是中華民國. Liberty Times, Oct 15, 2016 (即時新聞 breaking news)

, which is based on

洪秀柱馬祖行:一個中國就是中華民國. Taipei: Apple Daily, Oct 15, 2016 (即時新聞).

(c) 尼尔, '洪习会;11月登场 '一中怎表'? 德国之声, Oct 15, 2016
("洪秀柱处境艰难[:] * * * 洪秀柱12日在中常会上宣布,在两岸和平发展论坛之后,她会把工作尽量交给秘书长跟副主席,她自己会走访海内外各地、个人或企业募款")

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