(3) Thomas Black, Private Jets Aren't So Private Anymore.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... s-for-new-airplanes
Note: summary underneath the title in print: Services that share planes are hurting sales
(4) Adam Satariano, A License to Print Plastic.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... ong-to-plastic-cash
(a) summary underneath the title in print: Innovia dominates the growing market for polymer cash
(b) Mark "Robertshaw is the chief executive officer of Innovia, the world's leading maker of plastic money. * * * Of the 50 billion-plus plastic notes now in circulation, Innovia made more than 99 percent. 'There is a received wisdom out there that cash is disappearing,' Robertshaw says. 'Statistics don't support that.' "
(i) The English (West Yorkshire) surname Robertshaw is "from a lost place in Heptonstall, West Yorkshire, taking its name from an owner Robert + Middle English shawe 'copse' (Old English sceaga)."
(ii) Innovia Films
(Headquartered in Wigton, Cumbria)
(iii) received (adj): "generally accepted"
(c) "Making the bills [or banknotes] is a lot more technical than it was under the Tang or Song dynasties more than a millennium ago, or in the 13th century, when explorer Marco Polo first brought Asia's cotton money back to Europe. (Before that, currencies tended toward metals, shells, and salt.) Materials have to resist rips and stains, as well as incorporate ever-more-complex security measures to discourage forgers."
(i) banknote
(section 11 Early Chinese paper money)
(ii) "each year before 1101 AD, the prefecture of Xinan 新安郡 (modern Xi-xian, Anhui 安徽省黄山市 歙县) alone would send 1,500,000 sheets of paper in seven different varieties to the [Northern Song] capital at Kaifeng [name at the time: 汴京]."
(d) " The UK put the first of 440 million plastic £5 notes into circulation in September; it will introduce a £10 bill in June[, 2017,] made by Innovia. The company [Innovia] is bidding on the contract for the £20 note to follow. * * * Plastic bills cost a few cents each to make, about twice the cost of paper, but they last five times as long, according to Robertshaw. 'They can go through your washing machine,' he says."
(e) "Innovia then sends the sheets to bank note maker De La Rue, which adds the bills' designs (the Queen, Winston Churchill)."
De La Rue
(section 1 History)