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海峡论谈: 川普冲击波 美中台掀海啸?

发表于 11-13-2016 15:34:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
樊冬宁, 海峡论谈: 川普冲击波 美中台掀海啸?  VOA Chinese, Nov 13, 2016.
http://www.voachinese.com/a/stra ... 161113/3594131.html

(a) "神准预测川普当选的台湾实践大学博雅学部副教授赖岳谦"

(b) "不过值得注意的是,川普当选后,中国官方电视台随即报导中国国家主主席习近平向川普致电祝贺。但川普在受访时却称他当选后有收到来自各地大部分领导人的祝贺,但其中并没有习近平。"
(i) Donald Trump, in Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ He Is Willing to Keep Parts of Obama Health Law. Wall Street Journal, Nov 12, 2016 (print date)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/dona ... alth-law-1478895339
("On foreign affairs, Mr. Trump said he has heard from most leaders, though he hadn't yet spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He said he got a “beautiful” letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that a phone call between them is scheduled shortly")

The quotation is the only mention of president Xi Jinping in the entire report, of which there is no need to read the rest.
(ii) Daniella Diaz, Donald Trump Says He Hasn't Talked to China's Xi. CNN, Nov 11, 2016 (updated on Nov 13).
www.cnn.com/2016/11/11/politics/ ... esident-xi-jinping/
(iii) 习近平致电祝贺特朗普当选美国总统. 新华社, Nov 9, 2016.

(c) "曹长青指出,金里奇是唯一在任上访问过台湾的议长,反共色彩鲜明,曾在1997年旋风式访台,并与台湾前总统李登辉会面。有相关报导披露,他当时访台受到中国压力,因原订安排访问中国的他,将同时访台视为先决条件,但北京一开始并不答应,金里奇后来更成为李登辉访美的推手之一。
(i) Seth Faison, Gingrich Warns China That US Would Step In to Defend Taiwan. New York Times, Mar 31, 1997
www.nytimes.com/1997/03/31/world ... -defend-taiwan.html
("As he left for Tokyo after a three-day trip to China, Mr Gingrich said he had made it absolutely clear how the United States would respond if such a military conflict arose. * * * After visiting Japan, Mr Gingrich and the dozen members of Congress with him will stop in Taiwan on Tuesday")
(A) Gingrich Adds Taiwan Stop To Ease Concerns. Spoken, Washington: The Spokesman-Review, Mar 21, 1997 (Friday).
http://www.spokesman.com/stories ... p-to-ease-concerns/
("Gingrich decided to add a stop in Taiwan on April 2," 1997, which was Wednesday)
(B) Gingrich Shows Support by Meeting Taiwan Leader. Orlando Sentinel, Apr 2, 1997 under the heading "Other News to Note -- World).
http://articles.orlandosentinel. ... r-newt-gingrich-lee
("April 2, 1997  TAIPEI, TAIWAN — House Speaker Newt Gingrich met today with Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui, a symbolic show of support following his controversial vow that U.S. forces would defend the island from Chinese attack. ''I'm glad to be here,'' Gingrich told Lee at the start of a meeting in Lee's office broadcast live on Taiwan television. Gingrich is the first speaker of the House to visit since Washington switched diplomatic ties to Beijing in 1979")
(C) Virginia Sheng, Gingrich Affirms US Concern over Taiwan's Security. Taiwan Today, Apr 3, 1997.
("Newt Gingrich was heartily welcomed in Taipei April 2, prompting a planned two-and-a-half-hour whirlwind visit to be extended to more than four hours. ROC President Lee Teng-hui met with the No. 3 figure in the American governmental hierarchy in the Presidential Office * * * [for] the 80-minute talk * * * [Gingrich] then proceeded to the Taipei Guest House [台北賓館] for lunch with Vice President and Premier Lien Chan")

Taiwan Today is a government publication of Taiwan.
(D) Rone Tempest, China Questions US Leaders' Conflicting Views on Taiwan. Los Angeles Times, Apr 4, 1997.
http://articles.latimes.com/1997 ... 45372_1_top-leaders

(d) "而朱利安尼则是曾在纽约亲自接见中国民运人士魏京生,也被认为是反共爱台人士。"
(i) photo caption: Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng (R) presents New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (L) with an award from the Coalition for Pro-Democracy in China 26 February at city hall in New York. The award was for Giuliani's support for human rights in China. Jinsheng is a recipient of Coalition's Human Right Award for his peaceful expression of opinions about political oppression in China. AFP PHOTO Stan HONDA  February 26, 1998"
http://www.gettyimages.com/detai ... -picture-id51641095
(ii) Press release: Mayor Giuliani Receives a Special Recognition Award from the Coalition for Pro-Democracy in China. Mayor;s Press Office, Feb 26, 1998 (Release #088-98).

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