被德国流放!神秘面纱. 德国之声, Nov 21, 2016.
http://www.dw.com/zh/%E8%A2%AB%E ... E7%BA%B1/a-36467169
three consecutive paragraphs:
"发现这份档案的是65岁的历史学家罗兰·保罗(Roland Paul),他向《图片报》介绍说,当年由德国当局开具的警告信上注明的日期是1905年2月27日。卡尔施特市政府在信件中这样写道,"目前,卡尔施塔特有一位已退休的美国公民,此人应在1905年5月1日前离开卡尔施塔特,否则将被驱逐。"
"罗兰·保罗研究史学和民俗学,这位学者接着介绍说,'弗雷德里克·特朗普1885年 [at age 16, on his free will] 从德国移居美国,而且他在离开家乡时不仅没有进行户口注销,也没完成义务兵役。在此情况下,1905年,德国当局拒绝他再次返回德国 [and resettle there permanently]。'
"报道还称,当年弗雷德里克以一个富有者的身份想回到德国老家。刚到美国时他作为一个淘金者开始创业,经营过餐馆 [2 in Seattle; a couple in gold-rush boom towns; en.wikipedia.org says Friedrich "had no plans to mine himself"], 后来据称还经营过一家妓院。也因此赚满了腰包。 1901年,在特朗普祖父的一次返乡之旅时,爱上了年轻的伊丽莎白 [poorer neighbor's daughter, Elizabeth CHRIST (1880 – 1966); in 1901: Friedrich 32 and Elixabeth 21; per en.wikipedia.org]" and they got married in 1902.
(i) Bild
(table: Founded 1952, Language German, Headquarters Berlin)
(ii) German-English dictionary:
* Bild (noun neuter): "Picture"
http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings ... =bild&iservice=
(b) The original report, in German, is locked behind the pay wall -- except a photo and a paragraph.
Mit diesem Brief schob Deutschland Trumps Opa ab. Bild, Nov 21, 2016 (print date).
www.bild.de/bild-plus/news/inlan ... d-trump-ab-48849958,view=conversionToLogin.bild.html
(c) Frederick Trump (1869 – 1918 [died at 49]; born Friedrich Trump in Kallstadt, Palatinate, then part of the Kingdom of Bavaria; father of Fred and John G Trump, and grandfather of businessman and the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump) en.wikipedia.org
It is 6 pm EST, Nov 21, 2016. But the English Wiki page has been revised to reflect on this latest story, which Bild published 13 hours ago.