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发表于 11-25-2016 12:46:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 崔牧, 李洋洁案庭审首日 案情残忍震惊旁听席. 德国之声, Nov 25, 2016.

(a) The report mentions the female defendant as "Xenia I" many times, except in paragraph 2, where it is "Xenia S." The latter is a typo.
(b) The last paragraphs states, "德绍地方法院发言人施特劳布(Frank Straube)对德国之声说,由于案发时两名被告尚未年满21岁,因此法庭最终有可能按照青年刑事犯罪、也有可能按照成年人刑事案件做出判决。按照前者,谋杀罪最高判15年监禁,若按后者则可判终身监禁。."

It is wrong about the age of adult in Germany's criminal law, which should be 18. In Germany a person between 14 and 18 are juvenile, tried separately and a perosn who is younger than 14 bears no criminal responsibility.

Li Yangjie went missing on May 11 2016 and found dead on two days later on May 13. At the time the suspects (Sebastian F and his fiancée Xenia I) were both 20. There is no issue of a juvenile to be tried as an adult.

(2) The only English-language news report on this murder trial I can find is as follows.

Couple in Dock for Rape-Murder of Chinese Student. The Local, Nov 25, 2016.
http://www.thelocal.de/20161125/ ... -of-chinese-student

(a) This report mentions AFP, but I can not find an English-language report from AFP on this subject.
(b) The Local
(an English-language digital news publisher with local editions in Sweden [the original, since 2004], Germany [since 2008], France, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Italy)

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