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Liberty Times, Dec 2, 2016

发表于 12-1-2016 17:14:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 謝君臨、錢利忠、黃欣柏, 教唆洩密案 馬首度以被告應訊, 北檢偵訊7小時後 馬請回.

Note: The prosecution in City of Taipei is examining whether Ma Ying-jiou (then president) asked then 檢察總長黃世銘 to report an investigation to then 行政院長江宜樺.  The prosecution had to wait until Ma stepped down, before it could investigate him (just like in France; Re3public of China's constitution is said to model after those of nations of continental Europe in 1940s, including that of France at the time.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-1-2016 17:16:19 | 只看该作者
(2) 曹郁芬、蘇芳禾、呂伊萱, 美台軍事交流入法 美國會料將通過' 美軍現役將領將可訪台 台灣國防部長也可望進入華府.

(a) The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2017.

Defense panels (formal titles: House and Senate Armed Services Committees, respectively) rolled out the NDAA Conference Report, harmonizing HR ("House Report") 4909 and S ("Senate bill") 2943. The House and Senate will then vote for or against the Conference Report. The entire legislation will be submitted to the president for the signing into law.
(b) The ADAA Conference Report.
http://docs.house.gov/billsthisw ... T-114HRPT-S2943.pdf

The entire text of section 1294 is as follows:

"Sense of Congress on military exchanges between the United States and Taiwan (sec. 1284)

"The Senate bill contained a provision (sec. 1243) that directed the Secretary of Defense to carry out a program of exchanges of senior military officers and senior officials between the United States and Taiwan, both in the United States and Taiwan, designed to improve military to military relations between the United States and Taiwan.

"The House amendment contained a similar provision (sec. 1254) that expressed a sense of the congress that that the Secretary of Defense should conduct a program of senior military exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, both in the United States and Taiwan, that have the objective of improving military-to-military relations and defense cooperation between the United States and Taiwan.

"The House recedes with an amendment that the Secretary of Defense should carry out such a program of exchanges, both in the United States and Taiwan.

* Definition of Legislative Terms. West Virginia Legislative Process, undated
("Recede: to withdraw or back down from a position on an issue")

Most legislative use I google is "recedes from," rather than "recedes with."
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