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Xi Will Not Anoit Next Leader Next Year

发表于 12-27-2016 12:17:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-27-2016 16:05 编辑

Jeremy Page and Lingling Wei, 习近平大权在握预示中国领导制度将发生历史性转变. 华尔街日报中文版, Dec 27, 2016

, which is PARTIALLY translated from

Jeremy Page and Lingling Wei, Xi's Power Grab Puts Him at China's Apex; The president appears to be seeking to extend his rule beyond 2022. Wall Street Journal, Dec 27, 2016 (front page).
http://www.wsj.com/articles/xis- ... is-ruled-1482778917

Excerpt in the window of print: There is even talk of adopting a more presidential system, like Russia's.


(a) "Now, as he [Xi] nears the end of his first five-year term, many party insiders say Mr. Xi is trying to block promotion of a potential successor next year, suggesting he wants to remain in office after his second term expires in 2022, when he would be 69 years old.

(b) "Concern is rising among China's elite that the nation is shifting toward a rigid form of autocracy ill-suited to managing a complex economy. * * * 'His dilemma is that he can't get things done without power,' says Huang Jing 黄靖, an expert on Chinese politics at the National University of Singapore. 'He feels the need to centralize, but then he risks undermining these institutions designed to prevent a very powerful leader becoming a dictator.'

(c) "The custom since 2007 has been that two of those selected [for standing committee of Politburo] are young enough to succeed the party chief when he [party chief]  completes his second term. * * * Some party insiders say they believe Mr. Xi is trying to pack the new Standing Committee with allies and to hinder others from elevating favorites. They say he wants his anticorruption chief, Wang Qishan, to keep his seat despite already being 68, and possibly to take over as premier. * * *

"There is even talk within the party of shrinking, downgrading or scrapping the Standing Committee and adopting a more presidential system like Russia's, in which Vladimir Putin, now in his third term, has broad executive authority and could serve until 2024.

"Recent internal discussions suggest that 'no successor will be appointed' to the Standing Committee next year, says the party official who meets regularly with top leaders. Mr Xi is 'very forceful about preventing the elders from interfering too much,' he says.

(d) "His reputation within the party is as a micromanager

(e) "Some party members expect Mr Li [Li Zhanshu, head of the party's powerful General Office 中國共產黨中央办公厅主任 栗战书], one of Mr Xi's closest allies, to take the anticorruption job on the Standing Committee next year, with Mr Wang becoming premier instead of retiring. That would tighten Mr Xi's hold on power until 2022 and set a precedent for him staying on after that.

"There is a constitutional two-term limit on the presidency. There also are party rules saying no leading official can stay in the same post longer than 10 years, or at the same level of the party for more than 15.

"Some party insiders say the latter rules don't apply to the Standing Committee. Others believe Mr. Xi could change the rules, or switch roles, as Mr Putin did in 2008.

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