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发表于 1-11-2017 16:24:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Jan 11, 2017


(a) "美国海军水面舰艇(US Navy's Surface Forces)司令 [commander]、海军中将 [vice admiral: 'senior to a rear admiral and junior to an admiral' en.wikipedia.org] 汤姆·罗登(Tom Rowden)在接受《防务新闻》(Defense News)的一次采访中,被问及美中两国海军的不同时说:'两艘灰色的军舰在海上巡弋,都悬挂着不少旗帜,甲板上都有不少水手。一艘弱爆了,用一个湿了的纸口袋都能把它困住,而另一艘则无坚不摧。'

(b) "去年2月,中国海军完成一艘054A型导弹护卫舰的入列 [commission] 仪式。中国方面表示,这艘 '湘潭号' 军舰是自主研发,排水量4000吨,将成为中国海军新一代主力作战舰型。


, which is based on

Christopher P Cavas, Interview: Vice Adm. Tom Rowden, Commander, US Naval Forces. Defense News, Jan 8, 2017.
http://www.defensenews.com/artic ... der-us-naval-forces


(a) "From his perch in San Diego, COMSURFOR — the commander of US Naval Forces — oversees the preparation and training of all the US Navy’s surface warships — cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships, amphibious ships and mine warfare ships.

(b) Q: "In 2016 the Chinese Navy commissioned a 4,000-ton frigate in late February and sent it on a 7-month deployment six weeks later. It often takes a year or more for the US Navy to deploy a new destroyer. What are the Chinese doing that the US Navy does not? What does the US Navy do that the Chinese don’t?

A: "Two gray ships riding on the sea go by. They've got a bunch of flags flying and a bunch of sailors up on deck. One of them couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag and the other one will rock anything that it comes up against. Could we commission a guided-missile destroyer and steam it out of the harbor and take it on a world cruise? Yeah, I could. But in that situation I would not be taking care of what I refer to as the center of the universe. I want those men and women on that ship to be 100 percent confident in the ship and confident in the execution of any mission leadership may give them. So what are the Chinese thinking? I don’t know anything about it. I would tell you that I find it kind of interesting they feel they have to do that. To what end? I don’t know.

(a) US Navy type commands
(introduction: training until "it [a navy ship] is ready for deployment"; section 3.3 Commander, Naval Surface Forces: "The Commander, Naval Surface Force, US Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC) was designated as the Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR) for the U.S. Fleet Forces Command, with the Commander, Naval Surface Force, US Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVSURFLANT), serving as his deputy")
(b) The en.wikipedia.org has two additional pages, one titled "Commander, Naval Surface Forces Pacific", and the other, "Commander, Naval Surface Forces Atlantic."  But I do not believe one needs to know more.

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