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WSJ, Trump and 'One China'

发表于 1-17-2017 12:09:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Today Wall Street Journal has several reports and an article about Trump and "One China." The following are in the order of page number in section A (of the US edition). There is no need to read (1), in part because the title itself conjures the specter that Trump plans to reset many international ties, and in part because I think the fear is premature, based on a single interview with Trump, published yesterday (too early to tell, in my view).

(1) Anton Troianovski and Laurence Norman, Trump Policy Remarks Prompt EU Unsease; European officials worry the president-elect may be planning to reset long-standing ties.

(2) Jeremy Page, Lingling Wei and Chun Han Wong 王春翰, 中国为充满变数的特朗普时代做准备; 面对在贸易和外交问题上对中国持强硬态度的新一届美国政府,中国政府坚持自身立场,通过与美方官员沟通并委任国内经济学家作相关研究,来应对特朗普政府的政策不确定性。

, which is translated from

Jeremy Page, Lingling Wei and Chun Han Wong, Beijing Prepares for Change. Wall Street Journal, Jan 17, 2017.
www.wsj.com/articles/beijing-bra ... esidency-1484591845

(a) The print version ends in the middle of the online version. The last sentence of the print version starts with "He said his impression from his visit was that China was willing to negotiate * **
(b) The latter half that was lopped off contains the following paragraph:

"The economist asked by China’s Commerce Ministry to lead the internal study on the subject was Pei Changhong, 62, director-general of the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, according to people familiar with the matter."

中国社会科学院经济研究所所长 裴长洪

(3) John Bolton, Revisit the 'One-China' Policy; A closer US military relationship with Taiwan would help counter Beijing's belligerence. (op-ed)
http://www.wsj.com/articles/revi ... a-policy-1484611627

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ ... 39cb27109ea7b9d2215

(a) The cn.wsj.com does not translate this article.
(b) Rupert Murdoch wons both the WSJ and The Australian.
(c) Early on -- right after the signing of Shanghai Communique -- Taiwan insisted on "acknowledge." (For decades, I wondered wheterh Taiwan and its politicians were delusional, until US wrote United Nations last decade to remind the latter of the nuance.

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