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发表于 1-28-2017 12:06:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
曹郁芬, 川普亞太團隊成形 麥可德接亞太助卿; 又見非華府建制派圈外人. Liberty Times, Jan 28, 2017.

(a) "華府消息人士透露,川普政府的亞太團隊已漸明朗,在香港「蘇利文.克倫威爾」律師事務所擔任合夥人的麥可德(Michael Desombre) 內定接替羅素,出任國務院亞太助卿"

"Daniel Russel is the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service."  US Department of State's website
(b) "一九九七年定居香港的麥可德,自二○一三年起擔任共和黨海外黨部主席,也是香港非政府組織「救援兒童協會」董事會的主席。他是史丹佛大學經濟學士、東亞研究碩士,之後取得哈佛大學法學院學位,然後進入紐約的「蘇利文.克倫威爾」律師事務所工作,中文的聽說能力俱佳,一九九七年起常駐香港分所,對兩岸關係和亞洲情勢的發展有一手觀察和了解。在川普競選期間,他曾以共和黨海外黨部主席身分協助募款與動員投票。 [sectional heading:] 中文很溜 觀察兩岸關係無障礙  「蘇利文.克倫威爾」律師事務所中文網站的介紹,麥可德被業界認可是世界上在併購和私募股權方面傑出的律師之一"

Michael G Desombre
(EDUCATION: 1995, Harvard Law School, JD; 1990, Stanford University, BA; 1990, Stanford University, MA/ LANGUAGES [sic]: Chinese (Mandarin); ADDITIONAL BIO: Chinese Bio)

the only paragraph: "Michael DeSombre is recognized as one of the preeminent M&A and private equity lawyers in the world and is a frequent speaker on the art of negotiation. Since moving to Hong Kong in 1997, he has focused his practice on public and private merger and acquisition transactions, leveraged buyouts, joint ventures and direct investments in China, Korea, Southeast Asia and elsewhere in Asia. Mr DeSombre also heads the Korea practice for Sullivan & Cromwell. Mr DeSombre is fluent in Mandarin and has some ability in Korean. Mr DeSombre is admitted to practice law in New York and Hong Kong.
(c) "川普的亞洲團隊由圈外人當家,除麥可德外,與國家安全顧問佛林熟識的前華爾街日報駐北京記者博明 [Matthew POTTINGER] (前譯為蒲亭杰)內定要接掌國安會亞太資深主任,博明修習過東亞研究及中文,當過陸戰隊情報官。不過消息人士表示,現任國安會亞太資深主任的康達被川普要求留任協助博明,因此未來兩人的職務將如何規劃還未定案。"

國安會亞太資深主任的康達  Dan Kritenbrink, Senior Director for Asia, National Security Counsel

(e) "邁阿密大學政治系教授金德芳日前在文章中透露,剛卸任的前眾院外委會亞太小組主席邵建隆可望接替現任美國在台協會台北辦事處長梅建華 。據了解,曾以摩門教徒身分在台傳教的邵建隆確實是川普團隊考慮的人選,由於團隊還有許多重要職位未定案,若有調整,也會到今年中才有動作。梅建華是職業外交官,他與妻子陳舲舲在台灣極為活躍"
(i) 金德芳  June Teufel Dreyer, Trump and Taiwan: A Fresh Start or a Turn for the Worse?  Foreign Policy Research Institute, Jan 17, 2017.
http://www.fpri.org/article/2017 ... h-start-turn-worse/
(A) Personnel speculation is found in paragraph 5.
(B) Foreign Policy Research Institute
(a think tank based in Philadelphia; founded om 1055 by Austrian-born Robert Strausz-Hupé)
(ii) 梅建華  Kin W MOY  (W represents 華 in Cantonese)
(生於英屬香港,祖籍广东省台山市; "夫人是陳舲舲,在美國出生,陳舲舲 [Kathy Chen] 的母親來自台北,陳舲舲曾在台灣學中文,擔任《英文中國郵報》(China Post)記者 [then for United Press International (UPI) 合眾社台北分社];"  2015年起就任美國在台協會台北辦事處處長,是首位華人出身的處長)

(f) "華盛頓郵報日前報導,兩位可能的副國務卿人選是前白宮官員亞伯倫斯及前國務院官員杜布林斯基"

John Rogin, Trump Team Narrowing Search for State Department's No 2 Official. Washington Post, Jan 25, 2017
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... ents-no-2-official/
("Two leading contenders for the job now are former White House and State Department official Elliott Abrams [worked in Reagan's State Department 1981-1989] and former State Department official Paula Dobriansky")


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 楼主| 发表于 1-28-2017 12:14:15 | 只看该作者
曹郁芬, 佛訥:川普了解美台有獨特關係. Liberty Times, Jan 28, 2017
("台灣前行政院長游錫堃 [YU Shyi-kun; 1948- ; 行政院長 (2002-2005) under president Chen Shui-bian] 帶領的跨黨派代表團上週到華府出席川普總統的就職大典,並於十九日在傳統基金會與佛訥等人午餐游錫堃曾向媒體透露,他當面詢問佛訥,有人擔心台灣被川普政府出賣。佛訥今天出席智庫活動後向記者作了上述表示。[sectional heading:] 佛訥下月底將再訪台")
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