本帖最后由 choi 于 2-1-2017 08:57 编辑
Jason Farago, Predator Hugs His Prey (but There's a Catch). New York Times, Jan 26, 2017.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/ ... ists-fish-tale.html
(a) "After Nigeria [2006 census: 140m], the country with the largest population of people of African descent isn't in Africa at all. It's Brazil — where slaves vastly outnumbered Portuguese colonists, and where today just over half the population identifies as black or pardo (that is, of mixed racial origin)."
(i) Portuguese-English dictionary
* pardo (noun masculine; from Latin [noun masculine] pardus [a male panther; [a member of] other mottled or spotted animals]): "mulatto"
(A) The en.wikipedia.org under "Brazil" has population count for 2000, but not 2010, census.
Brazil 2010 Census Shows Changing Race Balance. BBC, Nov 17, 2011
("For the first time, non-white people make up the majority of Brazil's population, according to preliminary results of the 2010 census. Out of around 191m Brazilians, 91 million [or 50.7%] identified themselves as white, 82m as mixed race [43.1%] and 15m [7.6%] as black. Whites fell from 53.7% of the population in 2000 to 47.7% last year")
The percentage points in the parentheses are from the next reports.
(B) Tom Phillips, Brazil Census Shows African-Brazilians in the Majority for the First Time. Guardian, Nov 17, 2011
https://www.theguardian.com/worl ... brazilians-majority
("In 1872, when Brazil's first census was conducted, the population was split into just two groups: free people and slaves, who then represented 15% of the population. [reason:] 'People are no longer scared of identifying themselves or insecure about saying: "I'm black, and black is beautiful,'" he [Brazil's minister for racial equality, Elio Ferreira de Araujo] told the Guardian. * * * The 2010 census * * * found that in major cities white inhabitants were earning about 2.4 times more than their black counterparts")
(iii) Google: "Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and the third-most populous on the African continent (after Nigeria and Ethiopia)."
Egyptians in US (as foreign students while I was in an American university) told me that they did not consider themselves black or Africans -- absolutely, positively. The last census conducted in Egypt was in 2006 when total population was 72,798,000.