James Poniewozik, A Gadget to Slow-Cook, and One to Fast-Forward. New York Times, Feb 16, 2017 (in a page titled Personal Tech).
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/ ... escued-me.html?_r=0
(a) The "One to Fast-Forward" in the title refers to TiVo DVR (digital video recorder), about which the first half of the interview/article is.
(b) Start at the second half, that begins with the sentence "I got a Joule sous vide immersion circulator for my birthday."
(c) French-English dictionary:
sous vide (n and adverb; from French [preposition; from Latin preposition sub under] sous under + [noun masculine; from Latin adjective masculine vacuus empty] vide vacuum):
(d) "you can put sweetened condensed milk 炼乳 in a Mason jar and the Joule will turn it into dulce de leche overnight"
(i) Mason jar
(The jar's mouth has a screw thread on its outer perimeter to accept a metal ring)
(ii) dulce de leche
(iii) Spanish-English dictionary:
* dulce (adj and n; from Latin adjective neuter dulce sweet)
(e) Joule. Seattle, Washington: ChefSteps, undated.
https://www.chefsteps.com/joule |