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Garbage Generated and Disposal in China and Taiwan

发表于 2-20-2017 13:34:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rob Schmitz, The Burning Problem Of China's Garbage. NPR, Feb 20, 2017.
http://www.npr.org/sections/para ... m-of-chinas-garbage

(a) "China's government has concluded the best way to get rid of it is to burn it at incinerators like this one, the Gao'antun incinerator power plant run by the Chaoyang district of Beijing. * * * Chen Hui, the plant's chief engineer.  This incinerator was opened nine months ago. The heat from burning garbage at more than 1,000 degrees Celsius ['with a high-tech filtration system that removes dioxins and other toxic gases'] produces enough electricity to power more than 140,000 homes.
(i) 高安屯垃圾场  (2002- ; 位于朝阳区金盏乡高安屯村)
(ii) 焚烧中心项目总工程师 陈辉

(b) "Tao Guangyuan, executive director of the Sino-German Renewable Energy Cooperation Center"

中德可再生能源合作中心执行主任 陶光远 (The Centerr's German name is: Chinesisch-Deutsches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energien
(c) "Song Guojun, a professor of environmental economics and management at Renmin University, says there is a clear answer to China's garbage problem[: recycling]. * * * Song has spent his career studying garbage. He says in Taiwan, where residents sort their trash, incinerators are running out of trash to burn. As a result, an average Taiwanese person generates half a pound of garbage a day. An average Chinese person burns 2 1/2 pounds."

中国人民大学环境学院环境经济与管理系教授 宋国君
(i) 一、 歷年全國平均每人每日垃圾產生量及清運量為?  In 了解資源回收努力的成果. 環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會, 2015年6月號 (under the heading 環保百科).
(A) As far as I can tell, this is the latest data available.
(B) In 2014, the ratio of garbage clearance/generated (both are official terms of Taiwanese government) per person per day in Taiwan is 0.383/0.863 = 44%.
(ii) 近年我國垃圾處理概況. In 國情統計通報 第 025 號. 行政院主計總處 綜合統計處, Feb 6, 2015.
("平均每人每日垃圾量─主要國家" -- China or Hong Kong not included)
(iii) 香港垃圾產量驚人. 世界綠色組織 World Green Organization, undated (under the heading: 大環境 Big Picture).


(a) "對於有政黨提出,香港只要興建焚化爐就可以解決垃圾問題,香港浸會大學生物系黃煥忠教授發表文章回應。

"黃教授指出,香港現時的主要廢物管理工具是自願減廢、回收與堆填 [no incineration],採取被動的方式,所以過去十年垃圾量一直向上增長,可幸回收工作尚算不俗,令運往堆填區的廢物有所下降。然而,香港的人均垃圾產生量確實太驚人,每人每日1.36公斤,所以三個策略性堆填區將預計於2019年前爆滿。

(b) "[reference:] 黃煥忠教授:香港人每日垃圾製造量與法國相近


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