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'我无疑是个德国人': Tinga HORNY

发表于 3-12-2017 16:26:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-12-2017 16:56 编辑

崔牧, 一张中国脸的她坚信:'我无疑是个德国人.' 德国之声, Mar 12, 2017
http://www.dw.com/zh/%E4%B8%80%E ... E4%BA%BA/a-37832802

(a) Quote:

"一对来自香港的新婚夫妇五十多年前在慕尼黑留学,产下一名女婴后却匆忙遗弃、踏上了返程航班。这名孤儿后来被一对德国夫妇收养 * * * 在60年代刚出生时姓丁(拼作Ting),养父在这个姓氏后面加了一个字母,创造了一个德语中独一无二的名字:Tinga [as a given name]。

"采访的起缘自然是霍尼 [Horny] 女士在一年前出版的书《送来的女儿》(Die verschenkte Tochter)。

(b) photo captions:



My comment:
(a) But several Germans told me that in Germany one must choose a set of given names, and can not choose unusual given name or coin word (such as Beyoncé).
(b) Her book:

Tinga Horny, Die verschenkte Tochter; Wie ich meine leiblichen Eltern suchte und jetzt kaufen. Bastei Lübbe, 2015.

(c) About the surname Horny.

Regarding English adjective 'horny." See
Melanie & Mike, The Etymology of Sexual Slang - Take Our Word For It. Jan 23, 2010
("The word horny 'sexually excited, lecherous' derives from an interesting yet not surprising source.  As early as the mid-18th century, an erection was known as a horn or the horn, simply because it looked a bit like one")

(d) German-English dictionary:
* verschenken (verb; third-person singular simple present verschenkt, past tense verschenkte, past participle verschenkt): "give away, throw away"
* Tochter (n; from Proto-Germanic *duhtēr [which also gives rise to 'daughter' in English): "daughter"

(e) Google Translate translates "Wie ich meine leiblichen Eltern suchte und jetzt kaufen" (in German) to "How I sought my physical parents and now buy" (in English).  It (translation) is correct -- many German-language commercial websites even have a button "jetzt kaufen" by a shopping cart. Indeed "kaufen" in German can only mean "buy." But what does "buy" in German mean?  The same as in English to mean "accept"?  See, eg, buy (v): "ACCEPT, BELIEVE <I don't buy that hooey [n; origin unknown; defined as 'nonsense']> —often used with into <buy into a compromise>"

kaufen (also annehmen [German verb for 'accept') (v): "take up (accept)"

German-English dictionary:
* wie: "how"
* leiblich (adj): "bodily, physical; natural, biological; birth <die leiblichen Eltern  the natural parents>"
http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings ... ichen&iservice=
* Eltern (n; plural only): "parents"
   ^ Alleinerziehende (noun masculine and feminine; plural Alleinerziehenden): "single parent"
   http://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/dings ... ehend&iservice=
   ^ allein (adj): "[lone;] alone"
   ^ erziehen: "present participle of erziehen [rear, educate]"
* suhen (verb; third-person singular simple present sucht, past tense suchte, past participle gesucht): "seek, search, look for"


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