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发表于 4-5-2017 17:01:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
钟辰芳, 白宫官员:不以对台军售换中国合作应对朝鲜. VOA Chinese, Apr 5, 2017.
("白宫国安会亚洲事务资深主任蒲亭杰(Matt Pottinger)星期三在一场针对川习会的简报")

My comment:
(a) To me, this report says nothing new, such as "美台商业协会会长韩儒伯(Rupert Hammond-Chambers)说,相较于台湾的担忧,他反而感到镇定,因为他没有听到任何川习会可能损及台湾利益的信息。"

Take notice he is head of the trade groups for American arms manufacturers.

(b) "《华盛顿邮报》星期二在一篇发自台湾的报道 * * * 这篇标题为《当习近平在湖海庄园时,川普是否会忘记台湾》"

This morning (half a day ago), I read this report, and was incredulous that aides to Tsai Ing-wen thought nothing of her phone call to president-elect Trump. See

Emily Rauhala, With China’s Xi at Mar-a-Lago, Will Trump Forget Taiwan?Washington Post, Apr 4, 2017
https://www.washingtonpost.com/w ... da559f9e_story.html


(i) "TAIPEI, Taiwan — The call was weeks in the making, but the tweets — those tweets — came as a shock.

Just after 11 pm on Dec 2, Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, and a small group of advisers gathered to call the U.S. president-elect. Their goal, said a person with direct knowledge of the matter, was to put Taiwan on Donald Trump’s agenda, to set off on the right foot with the soon-to-be most powerful man in the world.

The roughly 10-minute exchange was “friendly,” the person said, and Trump seemed “well-briefed.” The call ended without incident, aides drafted a short statement for the morning, and by 11:45 p.m., the Taiwan side, feeling satisfied, went to sleep.

When they woke, they saw that Trump had been tweeting; Taiwan was the biggest story in the world.

(ii) "Following the call, Trump signaled that things were headed in a new direction, first with the tweets. Then, in a Dec 11 interview [with Fox News], he said the U.S. approach to China was in play.

(iii) "By February, when Trump and Xi finally talked, the US president had changed his tune. In a statement, the White House said Trump “agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our ‘one China’ policy.”

"Taiwan officials and analysts are not sure what to make of the shift but speculated that it tracks changes­ in who is advising Trump, with Taipei-friendly GOP old-timers losing ground to the president’s daughter and son-in-law, who seem to favor better relations with Beijing.

* Of course, quotation (c) is just speculation.
* "Jason Hsu, a legislator from the opposition Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party"

許毓仁 (全國不分區 立法委員)
* "Lo Chih-cheng, a legislator who heads the ruling Democratic Progressive Party's international affairs department"

羅致政 (新北市第七選舉區 立法委員; 民進黨國際事務部主任; PhD in political science, UCLA 1995)


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