钟辰芳, 联合国NGO委员会主席访台参加论坛. VOA Chinese, Apr 17, 2017
("参加由 '世界自由民主联盟' 主办的 '2017自由民主论坛 [2017 Forum on Freedom and Democracy]。' 据《中央社》称,诺茨星期一在论坛开幕致辞时说,在 '自由民主的原则下,' 他强烈反对 '非政府组织或个人,因持有台湾相关文件 [passport?] 被排除在外 [possibly literally outside UN buildings, not participation in UN organizations]。' 诺茨是联合国非政府组织公共信息部门(UN NGO/DPI)执行委员会主席 ")
(a) 世界自由民主联盟 World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD)
(简称 世盟; 成立于1966年; 谷正纲当选第一届理事会主席; currently 理事长曾永权)
It is basically a Taiwanese organization. It was a joke in Taiwan when 谷正纲 was its head.
(b) Bruce Knotts
(Greater New York City Area; Current: Unitarian Universalist Association, NGO/DPI Executive Committee; Previoous: US Department of State; Education Fitchburg State University)
"Fitchburg State University" (in Massachusetts) is wrong. His graduated from bachelor's and master's in California.
In 2007 he retired as a diplomat from US Department of State.