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Macron v Le Pen

发表于 4-23-2017 17:41:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 雷禄思, 马克龙和勒庞进入法国总统决选. VOA Chinese, Apr 23, 2017.



马克龙获得23.8%的选票,勒庞获得21.7%的选票。获胜者需要绝对多数票 [majority, as opposed to plurality (as in Taiwan's presidential election)],这将在5月7日 [in two weeks] 的决选中确定。

"这位三十九岁的前经济部长以前与不受欢迎的社会党总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Francois Hollande)有关联

My comment: Quotation 1 is wrong. Socialist Party is disunited.

(2) 小山, 外媒关心法国总统大选也择选谁是第一家庭另一半. 法广, Apr 23, 2017.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E6%B3%95%E5%9B ... 6%E4%B8%80%E5%8D%8A
(a report before votes were cast)


"选前民意支持一直占先的两位候选人即前进党候选人马克龙与国民阵线候选人勒庞最入眼帘。 * * * 如果不是爱丽舍宫出现一位比总统年长24岁的第一夫人,就是产生法国史上第一位「第一先生」。

"法国前进党候选人马克龙16岁 [actually 15]念巴黎北方120公里的亚眠市中学,父母惊知他追一个已有孩子的戏剧老师布丽吉特 [age 40],要求她等他满18岁再继续关系,并将他转学到巴黎,但两情注定, 2007年,前一年离婚的她与29岁的马克龙成婚 [she was 53]。


"布丽吉特出身亚眠市知名巧克力世家,她和前夫生的三个孩子分别是工程师、心臟学家、律师,都帮马克龙站台。她是天生衣架子,不是名流,却是知名品牌路易威登的 非正式代言人。丈夫选战活动她无役不与,活力与自信从她得体的衣著流露无餘。从主妇而老师而准备当法国第一夫人,她转换裕如。

"马克龙在总统大选竞选正式拉开架势第一天,别出心裁感谢他的祖母 [maternal grandmother Germaine 'Manette' Noguès who died in 2013) ],马克龙说,如果不是祖母力排众议同意他与布丽吉特的恋情,他就娶不到布丽吉特。

"而49岁的极右派民族阵线候选人勒庞两度离婚,2009年以来的伴侣是47岁的艾利欧 [Louis Aliot]。她是民族阵线主席,他是副主席,离过婚,有两个孩子,政治经验丰富,2002年大选为老勒庞竞选操盘,将老勒庞推进二轮决选,名气大噪。


"共和党 [Republican Party; from that party: president Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-2012) and his prime minister François Fillon + Sarkozy's predecessor Jacques Chirac (1995-2007)], 候选人菲永的61岁妻子佩内洛普 [Penelope],被指在丈夫担任国会议员期间当他助理,做閒差领高薪,夫妇同陷丑闻。

(i) Emmanuel Macron
(born Dec 21, 1977 (age 39); Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs 2014 – 2016, under prime minister Manuel Valls (Socialist) and president         François Hollande (Socialist); right column --> political party: Socialist Party 2006-2009, independent 2009-2016, En Marche 2016-now); section 5 Personal life: is married to Brigitte Trogneux, who is 24 years older [and eight months] than him and was his teacher in La Providence high school in Amiens)
(ii) Macron was born in Amiens
(a city 120 km (75 mi) north of Paris; section 1 History: "The town was given the name Ambianum by the Romans, meaning settlement of the Ambiani people")
(iii) party name En Marche

French-English dictionary
* marche (noun feminine): "march"
* en marche: "on the move"
http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ ... h-english/en-marche
(iv) Richard Balmforth, France's Macron Defied Parental Veto on Schoolboy Love Affair with Teacher. Reuters, Apr 12, 2017.
www.reuters.com/article/us-franc ... -book-idUSKBN17E21X

(A) Marine Le Pen
(1968- ; Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen; president [party leader] of the National Front (FN) [founded in 1972 by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen); section 1.3 Private life)
(B) Marion
(may be surname, female given name or male given name (in the last category was Marion Barry, former Washington DC mayor)
(C) The French and English surname Marion is "from a pet form of Marie."
Dictionary of American Family Names, by Oxford University Press (2003).

My guess is: Marion was first a female given name, which became a surname, which in turn became a male given name.
(D) About the surname "Le Pen." It is Breton (language of Brittany), which is agreed by all. (Jean-Marie Le Pen was born in Brittany, whose father was a fishman; Marine herself was born in a "commune  just west of Paris" per en.wikipedia.org). The meaning of Le Pen is not certain, with en.wikipedia.org says it means "the head," "the chief" or "the peninsula" (without citation, while a person said in a discussion forum that it is shortened from another Breton surname "Le Pennec (originally meaning obstinate)."
(ii) Her father Jean-Marie Le Pen
(A) French name
(section 2 Given Names: "Middle names in the Anglo-Saxon sense do not exist, and middle initials are never used for second or further given names * * * Although using more than one name is nowadays out of fashion, using two or even three of the given names as a compound name was fairly common until the early 20th century" / section 3 Family names, section 3.3 Change of names: after marriage)
(B) unisex name
("Christians, particularly Catholics, may give a child a second/middle name of the opposite sex, eg name a son Marie or Maria [a practice well known in Spain, such as ex-prime minister (1996-2004) José María Alfredo Aznar López (whose mother's maiden name was Elvira Lopez] in honor of the Virgin Mary or formerly Anne for Saint Anne; or name a daughter José in honor of Saint Joseph or Jean in honor of John the Baptist. This practice is rare in English-speaking countries")


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