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日本老字号 '木内酒造' 上海直营店8月开张

发表于 7-18-2017 12:23:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 日本老字号 '木内酒造' 上海直营店8月开张. 共同社, July 18, 2017

, which is based on

(2) 松崎 亘, 木内酒造、上海に直営店 来月5日開店. 茨城新聞, July 12, 2017.

Note for (1):
(a) "生产并销售 '常陆野猫头鹰啤酒' 的老字号酒厂 '木内酒造' (位于 [茨城県] 那珂市鸿巢,社长木内造酒夫)"
(i) 常陆野猫头鹰啤酒  (Japanese: 常陸野ネストビール, where katakana "ネスト" and "ビール" represent "nest" and "beer.")
(ii) As (2) reports, the Shanghai restaurant is the second outside Japan, after the first in US (which is the just opened -- this year -- "Hitachino Beer & Wagyu" 和牛, in San Francisco). The Brewery does not operate a restaurant in Taiwan, but does sell its beer there. 常陸野貓頭鷹 Hitachino Nest Beer
(iii) 常陸野ネストビール  (1823年(文政6年)常陸国那珂郡鴻巣村の庄屋、木内 儀兵衛が創業した造り酒屋; 1996年:ビール製造免許を取得)  ja.wikipedia.org
(A) 常陸国 (pronunciation: hitachi no kuni) was about where 茨城県 is, in terms of both location and size
(B) Japanese-English dictionary:
* 庄屋  village headman
* 造り酒屋  sake brewer or sake brewery
(iv) City of Naka, Ibaraki Prefecture  茨城県 那珂市
(A) Ibaraki Prefecture is northwest of Tokyo. One may call it a Tokyo suburb.
(B) "日本東京都渋谷区~日本茨城県那珂市間の飛行距離: 38 miles ~ 60 km。"
(v) 木内酒造  Kiuchi Brewery
(A) Regarding the URL, see Japanese-English dictionary:
* kodawari こだわり 《拘り》 (n): "obsession; fixation; hangup; determination; fastidiousness; pickiness"
* kodawari-nuku こだわり抜く; 拘り抜く 【こだわりぬく】 (v): "to refuse to compromise (on quality, etc); to to fastidious about doing things the right way through to the end"
(B) According to ja,wikipedia.org, 木内酒造 also makes and sells sake, wine, lager and ginger ale -- all of its own brands.
(vi) Incidentally the kanji for owl is 梟 (whose Japanese pronunciation is fukurō).
(vii) 木内 造酒夫 Mikio KIUCHI
(A) The "ki" and "uchi" are Japanese pronunciations for kanji 木 and 内, respectively.
(B) The male given name Mikio is very common in Japan. See Mikio
(幹夫,幹男, 幹雄, 幹郎, 巳喜男, 三樹夫, 三喜夫)

Jim Breen's dictionary has additional kanji names: 美紀雄/夫 and 美輝雄  (輝 has the Chinese pronunciation "ki" -- that is how Japanese pronounce the same character in 李登輝.)

It is just that parents of 木内 造酒夫 arbitrarily designated 造酒夫 to represent Mikio -- perhaps uniquely.
(b) "内部装潢由负责该公司日本国内相关店铺的水户市EOS建筑事务所承办,店铺内家具则由该市的 '家具之八木泽' 公司提供。"
(i) City of Mito 水户市 is the capital of Ibaraki Prefecture.
(ii) The quotation marks surrounding 家具之八木泽 is wrong. It should be

八木澤 木工 (Japanese pronunciation: yagisawa mokkō; based in 茨城県 水戸市; 八木澤 is a Japanese surname)

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