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Samgyetang 蔘鷄湯

发表于 7-26-2017 09:45:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 7-26-2017 12:44 编辑

Dave Kim, Hot Enough for You? Try Eating Something Even Hotter. On summer scorchers, Korean tradition calls for chicken soup.

summary in the window of print: The Korean mantra is 'yi yeol chi yeol' or 'fight fire with fire.'


(a) "Their mantra is 'yi yeol chi yeol' or 'fight fire with fire,' and their weapon of choice is samgyetang 蔘鷄湯, a whole young chicken or Cornish hen stuffed glutinous rice, ginger root, red dates and garlic, served piping hot in its own broth.

"At the peak of summer, and especially on 'sambok,' the three days of the year Koreans believe to be the hottest, according to .lunar calendar, many of them seek out roiling bowls of samgyetang

(b) " 'The concept that make it good for you on a hot day are rooted in traditional Korean medicine and are very old,' said Maangchi Kim, the Korean-Canadian coauthor and YouTube star. Her video on making samgyetang has been viewed more tham 1.4 million times.

"The dish predates written records, Ms Kim said, but an early printed recipe for what is now known as samgyetang appeared in a 1917 Korean cookbook

(c) "Hansol Nutrition Center, which despite its name is not a shop stocked with  vitamins and whey proteins, but a Korean restaurant in the Murray Hill section of Queens, known for its samgyetang. * * * Peter Ro, an owner * * * He [Ro] said his recipe is a secret. But samgyetang is almost always made from just a handful of ingredients, with none of the pungent, spicy flavors that Korean cuisine is often known in the West.

(a) There is no need to read the rest.

(i) yeol 열 may be 烈, 熱 and many other Chinese characters (hanja).
(ii) yi yeol chi yeol  以熱治熱

(c) Maangchi Kim
(i) 火星儿, YouTube上的韩版茱莉亚·查尔德. 火星儿的博客, Sept 23, 2015
("Maangchi 在生活里的英文名是艾米莉·金(Emily Kim), Maangchi是她在网络游戏《英雄之城》(City of Heroes)中用的网名。Maangchi(发音 '芒奇')在韩语中是 '锤子' 的意思。游戏里的Maangchi身着迷你裙,手执大弯刀,势不可挡")
(ii) Korean-English dictionary:
* 망치 mangchi (n): "hammer" (Yes, one "a.")

(d) " 'sambok,' the three days of the year Koreans believe to be the hottest"

Most likely, the food critic got lost in translation. In both China and Korea, it is about 30 or 40 days, not "three days.'
(i) 三伏
(ii) Sambok (삼복), the Dog Days of Summer. The Korean Way (Korean cultural resources for adoptive families by an adoptive family), July 29, 2010
("Sambok occurs over the course of a month and the dates are set using the lunar calendar. * * * So that means this year sambok started on July 19 (on the Gregorian calendar) with chobok (초복) [初伏], the first important date of sambok.  Ten days after chobok the second date occurs; it's jungbok [中伏]  (July 29 this year on our calendar). Then 20 days after jungbok, the third (and last) date occurs. This one is called malbok [末伏] (Aug. 8 this year on the western calendar).  Traditionally this was a time for farmers to relax some before the harvest")

(f) The recipe in the NYT article, topped with "Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)," includes "red dates (jujubes), pitted."

jujube (n; etymology)

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