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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, July 24, 2017 (I)

发表于 7-29-2017 11:47:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Matthew Boyle, Wal-Mart Cracks the Whip on Suppliers.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... suppliers-on-notice

two consecutive paragraphs:

"The initiative builds on progress Wal-Mart has made in reducing inventory and tidying its 4,700 U.S. stores after the back rooms became so cluttered it often stored surplus products in cargo trailers parked out back.

"Wal-Mart isn't the first big retailer to tighten the deadline for vendor deliveries. Target Corp. implemented a similar policy last year as part of a broader supply-chain overhaul. But Wal-Mart’s vast logistics network of more than 150 U.S. distribution centers dwarfs that of any other retailer

(a) summary underneath the title in print: The retailer is rolling out new fines for those who deliver late -- or early
(b) The online version and print are identical.

(2) Mary Pilon, Love in the Time of Mass Incarceration.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... es-are-under-threat


Timothy "McManus, who'd [had] finished two decades in a Texas prison earlier that year, knew the power of hearing his name at mail call [in a prison]. Much of what got him through that time, he says, was his correspondence with more than 70 people through websites * * * 'When I got out [of prison], it was a total shock. Like The Shawshank Redemption,' he says. 'I didn't know how to use a cell phone, a laptop, a DVD player, or how to open up a CD case.

"Over the past decade, two seemingly disconnected worlds have ballooned in tandem: the US prison system, now numbering 6.8 million adults [in both state and federal prisons], and the $3 billion online dating industry. The overlap is a growing constellation of sites with names such as * * * [whose] interfaces remain simple and web-based, with no mobile apps or Tinder-style swiping. * * * for those on the outside, corresponding with them [inmates through the websites] is usually free.

"Officials in Indiana, Missouri, Montana, and Pennsylvania have restricted the access inmates have to pen-pal [or dating] websites. Florida banned them altogether.

"Premarital abstinence may be mandatory [conjugal visits after marriage], and conflicts often have to be resolved in writing, or through plated glass [ie, prisoner visitation].

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Prison dating sites connect inmates with those on the outside, for cheap. In some states, they are under threat
(b) The online version and print are identical.
(c) For "plated glass," see flat glass
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_glass(or plate glass, among other names)
(i) The Shawshank Redemption
(section 1 Plot: "In 1954, Brooks [ Hatlen] is paroled, but cannot adjust to the outside world after fifty years in prison, and commits suicide by hanging himself")
(ii) Shawshank


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 楼主| 发表于 7-29-2017 11:47:45 | 只看该作者
(3) Kate Smith, The College Endowment Gap.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/a ... -schools-get-richer

Quotation in the margin of print: 'Wealth begets wealth'


"The wealthiest [among HBCUs: historically black colleges and universities] is Washington’s Howard University, with $578 million as of June 30, 2016

"HBCUs were created for the most part after the Civil War to educate students who were barred from white institutions. In the 1960s, about 90 percent of black college students attended HBCUs, both public and private, but today the schools enroll just 21 percent of black undergraduates.

"The problem isn't alumni who fail to give. Across the street from Morehouse at Spelman College, the historically black women's college with a graduation rate of more than 75 percent and a $348 million endowment, more than a third of alumnae donated to the institution in 2016. That’s more than four times the national average of 8.1 percent, according to data compiled by the Council for Aid to Education, a group that tracks philanthropy to universities. Spelman collected $2.52 million in alumnae gifts in 2016. Smith College, the women’s college in Northampton, Mass., had about the same proportion of alumnae donating. But that school, with a $1.6 billion endowment, received $36.3 million from former students in 2016.

"Only half of the 65 HBCUs that Bloomberg surveyed had more than $20 million in endowment assets.

(a) summary underneath the title in print: As rich universities get richer, historically black schools try to catch up.
(b) The online version and print are identical.
(i) Morehouse College
(private, all-male; in Atlanta; is the largest men's college in the United States with an enrollment over 2,000 students; established in 1867, and in 1913 was renamed Morehouse College, in honor of Dr Henry L Morehouse, corresponding secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society)

* The English surnames Morehouse: "(chiefly [found in] Yorkshire) [is name] of various places, for example Moorhouse in West Yorkshire, named from Old English mor marsh, fen + hus house."
(ii) Howard University
(federally chartered, private, coeducational; Established 1867; was named for General Oliver Otis Howard [a white man] )
(iii) Spelman College
(founded in 1881; in 1884 was renamed Spelman, maiden name of John D Rockefeller's wife)
(iv) Hampton University
(private; located in Hampton, Virginia; founded in 1868)
(v) Rust College
(in Holly Springs, Miss -- approximately 35 miles southeast of Memphis; is one of ten historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) founded before 1868 that is still operating; founded in 1866 and renamed in 1882 -- a tribute to Rev Richard S Rust of Cincinnati, Ohio, the secretary of the Freedman's Aid Society)
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