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陳嘉夫 挺進北韓教養殖

发表于 8-21-2017 12:04:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
林淑慧, 陳昇筆下的「瘋子蝦夫」挺進北韓教養殖; 金正恩欽點 台灣淡水龍蝦王勇闖北韓. Taipei: 商業周刊, Aug 16, 2-17
http://magazine.businessweekly.c ... px?id=65213&p=0
(陳嘉夫 "突發奇想,決定寫信給金正恩,表明願意自費到北韓,自告奮勇協助北韓人。 * * * 養好龍蝦沒想到,夢想居然成真。前年年底,他接到朝鮮台灣交流促進協會的正式邀約函,被金正恩「欽點」進入北韓")

(i) in title: "陳昇筆下的「瘋子蝦夫」"
(ii) in the text: "陳昇為其寫了《瘋子蝦夫》這首歌"

(1968- ‘ Bobby CHEN; 本名陳志昇; 台灣創作歌手)

(b) in text:
(i) "澳洲淡水龍蝦"
(ii) "六年前,經朋友引介龍蝦養殖,在看好中國人嗜食小龍蝦的市場前景下,決定與股東在屏東九棚,打造十五公頃龍蝦基地。"

At the top of the text is a photo of 陳嘉夫 holding a pair of the creatures, one in each hand. They look gigantic, but they are not lobsters (American or Australian). (The latter, spiny lobster, does not have a big craws.) They are crayfish. *Taiwan does not have
(also known as crawfish, freshwater lobsters; feed on animals and plants, either living or decomposing; section 3 Geographical distribution and classification: members of the family Cambaridae live in eastern Asia and eastern North America)
(A) When Do You Use the Word 'Fish' and 'Fishes'? Tell Me Why What, January 2007
http://tellmewhyfacts.com/2007/0 ... ish-and-fishes.html
("The term 'fishes' * * * is used to refer or describe the plural of different species of fish (more than one species of fish)")
(B) The "fami.ly" is a classification level right above "genus."
(C) Tom Pelletier, The Case of the Missing Crayfish. Curious Nature, June 18, 2010
(Fig 1 is a map of native range)
(D) 陳嘉夫’s company was incorporated in 2013: 九朋生態養殖股份有限公司位於屏東縣恆春鎮仁壽里省北路二段215號1樓.

That may be the headquarters. 屏東縣 does have 滿洲鄉九棚村 (different character: 棚; at least some of his 養殖場 are there), but that is on the other side of 屏東縣, facing Pacific Ocean. See 屏東縣
(section 4 行政區劃)

(c) "為了這趟旅程 [first trip to N Korea],他做足準備 * * * 來參訪的江蘇省書記聽到他要到北韓,還特別請來龍蝦養殖專家、中齊興民生物科技公司的總經理孫蘇虹,隨他一同勇征陌生的北韓。"


(d) “他們進入平壤近郊的大同江水產養殖場 * * * 參觀完龍蝦養殖區,北韓農業部部長現身與陳嘉夫等人交流。田曉發現,龍蝦養不活的關鍵在於氣候嚴寒,而環境須維持在氣溫二十八度C才最適合生長。"
(i) 大同江  Taedonggang
(ii) Frank Ball, Crayfish. Anapsid.org, undated
("A temperature range of 65-77 F (18-25 C) is best for good growth of most species from the continental United States, but they can survive over a much wider range. Some species are tropical, some require cold water")

Google recommends this link.

* "The Anapsida are the most primitive subclass of reptiles."  en.wikipedia.org   Examples: turtles

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