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Liberty Times

发表于 9-10-2017 16:44:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) 羅添斌, 我獲美邀請 明年觀摩黑鏢演習. Liberty Times, Sept 11, 2017
("我國已獲邀觀摩美軍明年六月主辦的「黑鏢演習」 [Black Dart: lasting about two weeks and by Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO) under US Department of Defense],將與各國代表共同在現場觀摩美軍反制各種無人機的實兵演練。 * * * 美國艾格林空軍基地 [moved to Eglin Air Force Base in 2016 and remains there] * * * 美軍是在二○○二年起首度舉辦 * * * 黑鏢演習 * * * 年年舉辦")
(b) 羅添斌, 反制中國潛艦威脅 我獲邀參與美軍反潛操演.  Liberty Times, Sept 11, 2017
(" 美國海軍明年度的「反潛獵殺操演」* * * [台] 官員強調,所謂的「實際參與」,不會是只在旁邊觀看觀摩,而是會實際參與部分反潛操演的項目,例如在美軍執行反潛操演時,我方代表可以登上美軍反潛直升機,以「同乘」方式,在機上現場觀摩美軍如何進行反潛作為")

(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) Eglin Air Force Base
(is named in honor of Lieutenant Colonel Frederick I Eglin (1891–1937) )

Eglin served in US Army's air wing. US Army's air wing was established in 1907, which became US (Department of) Air Force in 1947.
(c) It will be "GUAMEX 2018" (Ex stands for exercise, about 2 weeks, off the coast of Guam, participated by US Navy, Japan and New Zealand).

(a) 美網》詹詠然大滿貫首冠到手 「辛然配」女雙強勢封后. Liberty Times, Sept 11, 2017
(b) Brian Mahoney, Hingis Earns 25th Grand Slam Title with Women’s Doubles Win. Associated Press, Sept 10, 2017
https://www.washingtonpost.com/s ... _term=.19687f5fb97d

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Hingis won her 25th Grand Slam title and second in two days, teaming with Chan Yung-Jan [sometimes with surname places last; 170 cm and 60 kg] of Taiwan to beat Lucie Hradecka and Katerina Siniakova of the Czech Republic 6-3, 6-2 on Sunday in the women’s doubles final.

"Hingis has 13 major doubles titles, along with five in singles and seven in mixed doubles. She and partner Jamie Murray [Britain; male] won the mixed title Saturday [Sept 10].

(3) 施曉光 and 沈佩瑤, 國民黨中委選舉吳系大勝 洪系有斬獲.  Liberty Times, Sept 10, 2017
("國民黨昨日由黨代表投票產生第廿屆中央委員,總計二百一十位 [seats, of which 吳敦義系 took 65% and 洪秀柱系 20%] * * * 這次選舉另一個獨樹一幟的陣營,就是前主席連戰之子連勝文的系統 [that took 10%] * * * 黨內人士解讀,連勝文藉由這次選舉試水溫,「班師回朝」 [he was soundly beaten by 柯文哲 in 2014; margin: 59% to 41% of cast votes],展現黨內實力,再進一步問鼎明年台北市長選舉的可能性不小")

Note: There is no need to read the rest.

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