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中梵建交協議或將出台: 陳日君

发表于 10-4-2017 12:26:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In chronological order. It appears that 陳日君 gave a talk in New York City, and a World Journal reporter was in the audience, who filed a report which was published online on Oct 2 (it is not clear whether Oct 2 was the date in US or East Asia). Then Apple Daily interviewed 陳日君 and published on Oct 3 in both Taiwan and Hong Kong (with different emphasis in the titles but contents are similar). Finally 法廣 published a report today, citing both 東森 (based in Taipei) and 蘋果. In my opinion, all these just repeat
教廷宣佈韓大輝總主教任駐希臘大使 中梵建交協議或將出台. Hong Kong: Apple Daily, Sept 28, 2017 (online publication).

(1) 洪群超, 香港樞機陳日君 紐約談中梵關係. New York City: World Journal, Oct 2, 2017

(a) "香港的韓大輝總主教 [Archbishop Savio HON Tai-Fai (1950)] 曾為教廷萬民福音部秘書長 [secretary of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (2010-2017)],是華人在教廷擔任過的最高職務,但於9月底被改派教廷駐希臘大使 [nuncio of the Holy See to Greece]]。"
(b) Founded in 1622, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is headed by Prefect (a cardinal), assisted by Secretary (an archbishop).  Joseph ZEN Ze-kiun 陳日君 was Bishop of Kong Kong (2002-2009), who led Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 天主教香港教區; in 2006 he was made a cardinal 樞機.  "Not all cardinals are bishops. Domenico Bartolucci, Karl Josef Becker, Roberto Tucci and Albert Vanhoye are examples of 21st-century non-bishop cardinals. The 1917 Code of Canon Law introduced the requirement that a cardinal must be at least a priest."  Wikipedia
(c) The English noun nuncio is "Italian, from Latin nuntius messenger."  Merriam-Webster.com

(a) 鄭柏齡, 中梵或達成協議 陳日君樞機籲台做好「被放棄」準備. Taipei: Apple Daily, Oct 3, 2017 ("即時新聞")
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/rea ... w/20171003/1215713/

The report does not say when (which date) the interview was held.
(b) 鄭柏齡, 【紐約專訪】陳日君:實現民主要靠「奇跡」 不應放棄守護現有權利. Hong Kong: Apple Daily, Oct 3, 2017
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/re ... l/20171003/57284317

(3) 小山, 陳日君預警:梵蒂岡與中國建交勢在必行 台灣需作被遺棄準備. 法廣, Oct 4, 2017
("據東森新聞今天報道,85歲的天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君樞機訪問美國與加拿大,今天應結束旅程返回香港。 * * * 陳日君10月1日在紐約接受《蘋果》專訪時表示")

Note: 東森新聞 ETtoday published the report at issue online on Oct 3, citing Apple Daily.

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