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中国示好, 美国冷淡

发表于 11-20-2017 11:52:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lingling Wei, Jacob M Schlesinger, Jeremy Page and Michael C Bender, 美国对中国示好反应冷淡 贸易战隐忧加剧。美国对中国扩大金融业准入的提议表现冷淡,这反映出美国对华战略出现了根本性的转变。这一转变意味着,美国开始大胆博弈,也意味着尽管习特峰会氛围友好,但两国关系的未来可能坎坷不平。 华尔街日报, Nov 20, 2017

, which is translated from

Lingling Wei, Jacob M Schlesinger, Jeremy Page and Michael C Bender, US Looks to Toughen Policy on China’ Enforcement of trade, reliance on sanctions to be emphasized over deals on limited issues. Wall Street Journal, Nov 20, 2017.

The Trump administration, which recently completed a comprehensive review of China policy, is rejecting the longstanding
https://www.wsj.com/articles/bey ... a-policy-1511124832
http://www.morningstar.com/news/ ... -policy-update.html

(a) Look at the headline of the online (English) version.
(b) The print version is about 60% in length of the online English version. The print ends with the paragraph that starts with "Such views are shared by US officials."
(c) The print version appears on page A6. Underneath the first part of the previous report (about HNA), there is a teaser: "US looks to toughen policy on China .......... A6."

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