本帖最后由 choi 于 12-2-2017 10:14 编辑
(b) "中国知名的火锅连锁品牌到台北开店,相当受到台湾食客的欢迎,但是之前的知名烤鸭、鱼头料理到台湾开店却是铩羽而归。"
(i) 欒治誼 and 張春峰, 口味不合台灣! 大陸餐廳搶灘失敗. Taipei: 中華電視 (abbreviation: 華視), Mar 25, 2014
* But see 小肥羊
(涮羊肉連鎖店; 總部 中国内蒙古包头市; section 3 分店, section 3.1.3 台湾: "台北市松江路185号曾有一间小肥羊分店,但被董事长张钢指是 '山寨版,' 事后该店总经理黄庆宇向媒体出示一份合同澄清。该店现已停业")
(ii) BBC Chinese is MISTAKEN when talking about 烤鸭 in this context. Beijing's 便宜坊 (the only China-based Peking duck companies so far) opened a branch in Taiwan, at 高雄, in 2015 (in a partnership with a local company); it is still there. I can not find anything about its business there, despite tremendous efforts.
Hank媽 (screen name), 便宜坊燜爐烤鴨,600年歷史的北京烤鴨名店高雄飄香. 窩客島 Walkerland, Feb 7, 2016 [it should be Jan 7; she published the same in a lot of places, all of which except this one was dated Jan 7, 2016].
(A) 彭馨儀, 全聚德想進台 老董:台鴨不夠肥. Taipei: TVBS, Dec 21, 2008.
* 便宜坊 (in Kaohsiung) has used ducks raised in 屏东县.
* 全聚德 had a couple of promotions in Taiwan in the past decade -- limited offerings of its Peking Duck (limited in days and number of ducks). I do not know where its ducks was sourced.
* Taiwan has repeatedly refused 全聚德 to import raw, uncooked ducks from Beijing to Taiwan, for fear of bird flu. I am no expert in this disease. However, China and US have exported fowls (mostly chickens) to each other. I do not know whether China exports to US fowls raw or cooked (as in cans).
(B) JASON旅遊日記, 宋廚菜館(全聚德烤鴨). 隨意窩Xuite日誌, Mar 10, 2008
https://blog.xuite.net/gaisu/blo ... 4%E9%B4%A8%EF%BC%89
* 宋廚菜館
https://zh-tw.facebook.com/pages ... %A8/161369607248151
* Many commentators in Taiwan mention 宋廚菜館 (located at Taipei) as 前 or 原 全聚德 at the same breath. I had not heard of it while in Taiwan.
(iv) 阿沙力?
(A) 請問一下阿沙力是什麼意思?Yahoo奇摩知識+, 2005.
https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/que ... 00012KK05629&p=阿沙力
* "ㄏㄏㄏㄏ"
ㄏ is a symbol in bopomofo 注音符號, pronounced "he" (pinyin). Here it means the same as "hoho" in PRC websites.
* 參考資料:me = 窩自己
(B) Victor Mair, Assari > ashali, a Japanese mimetic loanword in Taiwan. Language Log, University of Pennsylvania, June 19, 2017.
* Please read the last paragraph first to get hold of the conclusion.
* Google lists this as the top return for the search:
"Under what circumstances would you prefer one of the following over the other two?
1. Get hold of
2. Get ahold of
3. Get a hold of
https://english.stackexchange.co ... ld-of-get-a-hold-of
* "this aSaLi stocking brand"
It is a 袜子 company based in Taiwan.
* The "assari" -- Japanese romanization does not have "l," only "r" -- is transliteration of Japanese hiragana あっさり, WHEREAS "ashali" is pinyin from PRC.
* "*VHM [initials of Victor Mair]: This is a fairly common claim in Taiwan * * *"
* "My JC [Japanese-English] dictionary"
(iv) Supposed differences in 北京烤鴨 between Beijing version and Taiwanese version:
北京吃貨大本營 (a PRC Chinese's screen name), 最正宗的北京烤鴨居然在台灣? 每日頭條, May 13, 2016.
* 每日頭條 deliberately conceals its identity, without "About Us" or "Contact," and uses traditional Chinese. But netizens in Taiwan conclude it is based in China, not Taiwan.