(c) "Narezushi can be made with yellowtail, mackerel or ayu, but the most common type in the Lake Biwa area is funazushi, made from nigorobuna fish."
(i) ayu 鮎
("Native to East Asia, it is distributed in the northwestern Pacific Ocean along the coast of Hokkaidō in Japan southward to the Korean Peninsula, China, Hong Kong and northern Vietnam [but not Taiwan];
(A) The zh.wikipedia.org has a page of the same fish under the name of 香魚.
(B) ja.wikipedia.org for 鮎: born in river, swim downriver to live in coastal area of the sea in autumn and winter, swim upriver next spring (about 6cm long), reach 15–30cm by summer, breed and died,
(C) 鮎: not to be confused with 鯰.
(ii) nigorobuna
("Carassius auratus grandoculis, a wild subspecies [take notice: 亜種, specifically '琵琶湖固有亜種 * * * 全長 35cm [for adult]': ja.wikipedia.org; click to see what it looks like] of goldfish [Carassius auratus 錦鯉] endemic to Japan, its habitat limited to Lake Biwa)
(A) The funa is Japanese pronunciation for 鮒 (Carassius spp, where means shorthand of plural form of "species")
(B) The f in "funa" is softened to "b."
(iii) The funazushi 鮒寿司 is simply narezushi based on the fish funa 鮒, short for nigorobuna.
(d) "Sometimes, they [CONSUMERS] prepare narezushi as porridge with hot tea (called ochazuke-rice)" (the "rice" here is English)
chazuke 茶漬け
(A) "Kazuyuki ŌHASHI, the executive chef at Lake Biwa Marriott Hotel" 琵琶湖マリオットホテルの料理長 大橋 (I fail to find the kanji for the given name)
The hotel is about 30 minutes (by train) from the Kyōto station ("京都駅から約30分": from the Web).
(B) "Akiko HIGASHIMOMO, a shopkeeper" The family name is 東桃.
(iii) restaurants (both in Shiga Prefecture):
(A) Kimura きむら
The restaurant name is written in hiragana, though kimyra is represented by kanji 木村 (a family name).
(B) Kō-ri-an 湖里庵