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Beijing and Vatican Might Have Reached a Compromise over Bishop Appointments

发表于 1-24-2018 14:28:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In chronological order.

(a) In English:
John Baptist Lin, The Vatican Asks Legitimate Bishops to Step Aside in Favour of Illegitimate Ones. AsiaNews, Jan 22, 2018.
http://www.asianews.it/news-en/T ... ate-ones-42896.html
(b) In Chinese:
John Baptist Lin, 梵蒂冈要求合法主教让位于 '自选自圣' 的非法主教. 亚洲新闻, Jan 22, 2018.

(a) Monsignor Peter Zhuang Jianjian 伯多禄·庄建坚蒙席 of Shantou 汕头主教 has been pressed to yield to illicit bishop Joseph Huang Bingzhang 若瑟·黄炳章, whom in 2011 the then pope Benedict XVI excommunicated for having been promoted by CCPA as Shantou bishop.  In December 2017, Zhuang went to Beijing against his will, stayed at Huguosi Hotel 护国寺宾馆 there, and led to Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA) 中国天主教爱国会 and, the next day, the bishops' conference of Catholic Church in China (BCCCC) 中国天主教主教团, where he met with Bishops Ma Yinglin 主教团主席 马英林, Shen Bin 副主席沈斌 and Guo Jincai 秘书长郭金才, the president, vice president and secretary general of the bishops’ conference respectively. The day after that, Bishop Zhuang was taken to Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, was first greeted by officials from State Administration for Religious Affairs 国家宗教事务局, and led by Fr Huang Baoguo 黄保国神父, a Chinese priest who is serving at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples 圣座万民福音部, to meet with a foreign bishop. Zhuang was offered to help decide the vicar general 副主教 in Shantou.

vicar general

(b) Bishop Joseph Guo Xijin 郭希锦主教 (I believe it is an error to say Joseph is his name -- most likely it is Vincent), the ordinary bishop of Mindong 闽东教区的正式主教 belonging to the underground community, was asked to downgrade himself as assistant of Bishop Vincent Zhan Silu 味噌爵·詹思禄, with one of the sayings was that he has to downgrade to become a coadjutor bishop.

(adj): "(especially of a judge or bishop) exercising authority by virtue of office and not by deputation"
(n): "2: British  Law   a judge who exercises authority by virtue of office and not by deputation
3: a member of the clergy, such as an archbishop in a province or a bishop in a diocese, with immediate jurisdiction"
(c) Asia News
(may refer to AsiaNews, an online newsmagazine affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church)

(2) 陈民峰, 天主教媒体指梵谛冈已就主教任命问题向北京让步. 法广, Jan 24, 2018
("联合报今天引述天主教媒体「亚洲新闻」报导,牵动大陆和梵蒂冈关系的主教任命问题 * * * 联合报分析,这个消息还没有获得官方证实,但如果属实,对于风雨飘摇的台梵关系,无异是一大警钟")

My comment: There is  no need to read the rest of this 法广 report.

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