(1) English:
Uproar over Bishop Reshuffle in China. UCANnews.com, Jan 26, 2018
https://www.ucanews.com/news/upr ... ffle-in-china/81365
("After learning of the move, Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong made a special trip to Rome to hand in a letter to Pope Francis. The emeritus bishop told ucanews.com that it is a very critical issue, and he hoped the Holy See would 'step back from the precipice before it is too late' ")
(2) Chinese:
教廷要求合法主教讓位於非法主教,主教感難過被出賣. 天亞社, Jan 26, 2018
My comment: There is no need to read the rest, as this is the only new development. UCAN stands for Union of Catholic Asian News. |