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哈里斯:这名日裔美军上将让太平洋很 '不太平': 新华

发表于 2-12-2018 14:26:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) New York Times published online (Google: "3h ago") a report whose working title is "Trump Taps Harry Harris, Known for Being Tough on China, as Australia Envoy."  However, CNN published a similar report on Feb 9, three days ago.

Note: It is 2:45 pm EST Monday, Feb 12, 2018.

(2) 刘阳, 哈里斯:这名日裔美军上将让太平洋很 '不太平.' 新华网, Feb 10, 2018 (Google: "2 days ago").
("美国白宫9日宣布,总统特朗普提名现任太平洋司令部司令哈里·哈里斯任美国驻澳大利亚大使。 哈里斯被视为美国军方亚太政策的鹰派人物 * * * 2015年5月,哈里斯再度升职,就任美军太平洋司令部司令 [commander, United States Pacific Command (USPACOM), based in Hawaii)],掌管美军在太平洋上的所有军事力量。 * * * [while a commander] 重复了那句几乎已经成为其 '好战分子' 标签的 '语录':'我们已经做好今晚开战的准备 ['must be prepared to fight [North Korea] tonight' in view of Kim Kim Jung-eun's aggressive actions]。' * * * 美军太平洋司令部司令一职的任期为三年且不能连任,因此按照规定,哈里斯的任期在2018年年中结束。关于特朗普欲提名他为驻澳大使的消息去年9月就开始盛传 * * * 尽管哈里斯在亚太地区 '劣迹斑斑,'他的任命符合特朗普政府 '军政化' 这一特点。若不出意外,哈里斯将成为又一名 '弃武从文' 的持鹰派立场的退役将领。 此前,各界人士就已普遍就特朗普重用军人这一趋势表示了担忧。美军参谋长联席会议前主席马伦就曾直言不讳地告诉媒体说,他担心 '(特朗普)政府军事化' ")

My comment: For an hour I fail to find anything (in English) close (to 军政化 or 军事化). Then I decided to try Chinese reports. Bingo.
(a) 冯武勇、杨定都 and 刘莉莉, 危险的美日军事优先倾向. 新华每日电讯, Dec 20, 2016 (8版)
("近日,英国《金融时报》刊出题为《特朗普重用军人引起警惕》一文。这篇发自华盛顿的文章指出,美国当选总统特朗普任用多名军人执掌国防部等政府关键部门, '这可能让军方变得更加政治化、政策变得更加军事化' ")

M which was based on

(b) Demetri Sevastopulo and Geoff Dyer, Ex-US Military Chief Voices Concern at Generals' Role under Trump. Financial times, Dec 21, 2016

the first three paragraphs:

"Mike Mullen, former chairman [2007-2011; Mullen was an admiral (not general), meaning he was from Navy] of the joint chiefs of staff, has raised concern about the role played by the military in the US government, as Donald Trump steps up consideration of high-profile military personnel for top administration posts.

"The president-elect has already chosen retired Lieut Gen Michael Flynn, as national security adviser, enthusiastically tweeted that he is considering retired Gen James Mattis, former head of US Central Command, for secretary of defence, and met Admiral Mike Rogers, currently head of the National Security Agency [, which eavedrops; not National Security Advisor], over the role of Director of National Intelligence [a cabinet-level official; Trump instead nominated Dan Coats, Republican senator from Indiana. who was confirmed by Senate; Rogers to retire from his old post within months].

"Asked if he was worried about the potential militarisation of the new administration, Mr Mullen said he worried more broadly about the 'militarisation of the government.'


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