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发表于 3-3-2018 12:30:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
白桦, 普京说真话?俄是否拥有超级武器让外界怀疑. VOA Chinese, Mar 3, 2018.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/voa ... 180303/4278910.html



"普京发表国情咨文时在屏幕上曾展示用米格-31战机发射名叫 '匕首' 的高超音速导弹攻击目标。

"格里茨说,在普京所宣布的这批超级武器中,外界知道的相对较多的是名叫 '撒尔马特 [Sarmat]' 的洲际弹道导弹,但这种导弹的研制过程中遇到许多障碍困难,试验发射几次向后推延

"让军备专家们怀疑的另一个问题是,俄罗斯目前的经济规模小于葡萄牙,甚至不如中国的一个富裕省份,苏联曾被军备竞赛拖垮,俄罗斯目前究竟有多大的经济实力能投入巨资开发这些超级武器?  军备问题专家们说,受西方制裁,俄罗斯无法获得重要的电子器部件和其他科技设备等,严重影响武器开发 * * * 由于缺乏技术人员和设备老化,俄罗斯海军大型水面舰艇的研制更严重滞后,早在多年 [later the report says '10年'] 前下水的新型护卫舰仍在测试。受乌克兰制裁影响,俄罗斯不得不从中国进口舰船引擎装备在新型海岸巡逻艇上。俄罗斯媒体上最近甚至有学者撰文呼吁应从中国采购两种型号的护卫舰 [《独立报》网站2月27日 亚历山大·莫兹戈洛伊: 054A frigate; I can not find the other warship],然后再改装俄罗斯武器,装备太平洋舰队。

(i) Regarding quotation 2, on Kinzhal air-launched hypersonic missile. See khanjali
(or kinzhal when translating the Russian Кинжал; is a double-edged dagger)
(ii) Vladimir Karnozov. Putin Unveils Kinzhal Hypersonic Missile. AINonline (AIN stands for Aviation International News), Mar 2, 2018
https://www.ainonline.com/aviati ... -hypersonic-missile
("Putin's statement was accompanied by a short video released by the Russian defense ministry that depicts a MiG-31 taking off with the missile, and later dropping it. The missile’s solid-fuel motor ignites a few seconds after release. The video also contains computer-generated 3D imagery of a MiG-31 executing a strike on warships. The air-launched missile first climbs, and then noses down in the direction of the intended target before diving on to it. Apparently, this kind of trajectory has been selected to harness the weapon's high kinetics to achieve the longest range possible and ensure high speed at impact. On the following day, the Russian Air and Space Force (VKS) commander, General Sergei Surovikin, added that the system enables stand-off strikes")

(b) The Sarmat missile has a en.wikipedia.org page for it, which says it is not deployed yet. That page says it is named after an "Iranian confederation that * * * flourish[ed] from about the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD."
(c) "俄罗斯目前的经济规模小于葡萄牙"

This is an exaggeration. Russia's nominal GDP (according to foreign exchange rate) in 2017 was about $1.5 trillion, which is small (equivalent to three times Taiwan's, though Russia's 2017 population (142m) was more than 6 times Taiwan's (23m) ). That of Portugal for 2017 was about $230b.


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