(1) 艾米, 特朗普贸易战新目标:中国贸易逆差. 法广, Mar 15, 2018.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E7%BE%8E%E6%B4 ... 3%E9%80%86%E5%B7%AE
(a) "3月7号特朗普在一个推文说,已要求中国政府展开计划将两国间的贸易失衡减少10亿美元。但白宫发言人对推特予以澄清,指出,应该再加两个零,总统的意思是1000亿美元。"
(i) Trump's tweet: "China has been asked to develop a plan for the year of a One Billion Dollar reduction in their massive Trade Deficit with the United States. Our relationship with China has been a very good one, and we look forward to seeing what ideas they come back with. We must act soon! 7:10 AM - 7 Mar 2018"
https://twitter.com/realdonaldtr ... 91930552322?lang=en
(ii) On Mar 14, 2018 "White House spokesman Serah Huckabee Sanders said in a press briefing, 'It was a typo, and the Trump meant $ 100 billion.' " O am quoting an online news report dated Mar 14, but I can not find it in the www.whitehouse.gov.
(b) "美国媒体报道称,特朗普政下一步可能会向中国的进口产品征收相当于600亿欧元的关税。"
Adam Behsudi and Andrew Restuccia, Trump Demands Aides Pump up Anti-China Tariffs. Politico, Mar 13, 2018.
https://www.politico.com/story/2 ... hina-tariffs-460416
(c) "据美国人口调查与统计局 [Census Bureau] 数据资料,美国2017年记录的美中贸易逆差达3750亿美元,占对外5660亿美元贸易逆差的2/3以上。"
(2) 达扬 and 叶宣 (德新社,明镜周刊,卫报), 白宫新经济顾问:应给中国一个强硬回答.
(a) "这位保守派的电视主持人和经济分析师周三接受美国CNBC电视台采访时表示:'长期以来,中国一直不遵守游戏规则。我本来是一个反对关税的人,但我必须说,应该给中国一个强硬的回答。"他表示,应该有更多的国家团结起来,在贸易问题上共同对付中国。' "
(i) Jeff Cox, Larry Kudlow, New Chief Economic Advisor to Trump, Says China 'Has Earned a Tough Response.' CNBC, Mar 14, 2018.
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/14/ ... tough-response.html
(" 'I must say as somebody who doesn't like tariffs, I think China has earned a tough response not only from the United States,' Kudlow said on CNBC's 'Closing Bell' ")
(ii) News release: CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Transcript: Senior Contributor Larry Kudlow on CNBC's 'Closing Bell' Today. CNBC, Mar 14, 2018.
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/14/ ... ing-bell-today.html
(iii) Berkeley Lovelace Jr, Cramer: On China Trade, 'There's No Distance Between' Trump and Kudlow Now. CNBC, Mar 15, 2018 (news report; Jim Cramer is Kudlow's longtime colleague and friend).
(b) "库德罗没有读完在普林斯顿大学的经济和政治学硕士课程,但凭借个人努力和才华,他很快在华尔街初露头角,并曾在里根时期就职于白宫预算办公室。"
(c) "库德罗反对特朗普不加区别地对所有国家的钢铝产品增收关税,但似乎并不反对对中国这样做。他在纽约AM970电台表示:'我可以保证,整个欧洲到最后都会被豁免。我跟你打赌,在亚洲的美国盟友也会最终受到豁免。只有中国不会被豁免。' "
(i) Lawrence Kudlow, Mr President, Tariffs Are Really Tax Hike. CNBC, Mar 5, 2018 ("Kudlow's Corner")
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/03/ ... ally-tax-hikes.html
(A) "The Cats Roundtable with John Catsimatidis" every Sunday morning at 9 am in New York on 970 AM this past Sunday had Kudlow as a guest. Kudlow also hosts "Larry Kudlow Show”, broadcasts every Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET on AM 970."
www.catsimatidis.com/larry-kudlo ... meeting-market-440/
(B) Naomi Ling, Larry Kudlow: 'All of Europe Is Going to Wind up Being Exempt' from Trump's Steel, Aluminum Tariffs. Washington Examiner, Mar 11, 2018
https://www.washingtonexaminer.c ... el-aluminum-tariffs