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发表于 4-29-2018 11:51:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
My comment:
(a) It is 2:30 pm EST, Sunday, Apr 29. Bing.com and Google both time (1) as "10 hours ago" whereas Google times (2) "2 hr ago."
(b) Poor 胡慧中, whose husband 何志平 Patrick Ho Chi Ping looks likely staying in prison for years.
(c) Mostly (1) is based on 鄭嘉如, 【何志平案】華信高層曾計劃探監 何:為華信榮譽而戰 寧死不屈. HK01, Apr 29, 2018 (Google: "11 hr ago").
(d) There is  no need to read the rest of (2).

(1) 甄树基, 何志平狱中电话求助中共中央委员会介入对方称何 '国家英雄.' 法广, Apr 29, 2018.
("据香港传媒报道,控方最新向法庭提供的文件,包括何志平狱中与友人的电话通话纪录翻译文本,当中何提到他是被用来抓“大老虎”以及损譭(discredit)“一带一路”的,纵死在狱中也不会屈服于压力,要求友人向中央求助,寻求中共中央委员会介入,因对方(美方)过往九成的官司都获胜诉。电话对方的友人则称呼何志平是 '国家英雄,' 嘱他多多保重")

(2) Alvin Lum, Patrick Ho US bribery case: CEFC China Energy identified in evidence against ex-Hong Kong minister.
www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong ... entified-us-bribery


"A major Chinese conglomerate has been identified for the first time in court documents in the case of former Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping, who is detained in the United States and accused of offering bribes to African officials.
CEFC China Energy was mentioned in one of the documents that was submitted as evidence to a New York court. It showed the firm offered US$2 million in donations to Chadian President Idriss Déby to help the needy as a symbol of its “sincere commitment” to the country.

"The Post [SCMP] earlier reported Ye has been detained since February on the mainland for questioning for undisclosed reasons. [Actually Caixin, in Chinese, made the exclusive report on Mar 2018, which it quickly deleted.]

"Ye is chairman of both [Shanghai-based] CEFC China Energy 中国华信能源董事局主席叶简明 and Ho's think tank [the latter being China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC)].

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