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赵枫生 + 乌龙

发表于 6-2-2018 10:33:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 6-2-2018 10:35 编辑

(1) text of Bob Fu 傅希秋's May 31, 2018 tweets (in chronological order; with photos that are not shown here):

"Bob Fu傅希秋  @BobFu4China  May 31

大好喜讯:感谢上帝,也感谢川普政府帮助,对华援助协会又帮助一个维权人士全家顺利获得营救,今天下午抵达我们德克萨斯。来自湖南的前中华全国农民协会创办人赵枫生和他太太全海燕姐妹以及5岁的女儿赵诗涵历经曲折,获得自由。赵枫生因为维权被当局长期迫害甚至在2014年被 '煽颠' 判处4年徒刑。

"Bob Fu傅希秋  @BobFu4China  24h

歡迎赵楓生全海燕和5歲的趙诗涵來到自由美國,自由德克薩斯州!希望來美後第一張全家福帶給各位關心他們的朋友和家人鼓勵和歡欣。Welcome to freedom USA and Texas to the Zhao Fengsheng family who had been persecuted severely and finally freed to US yesterday. God bless y’all.

(2) Compare
(a) 赴美高科技中国学生签证收紧与否?美国务院书面答复. VOA Chinese, June 2, 2018
("一名美国国务院发言人:'国家安全是我们在审理签证申请时的第一优先---每一位可能赴美的旅行者都要经过广泛的安全审查。我们不断努力寻找机制,以改善我们的审查程序并支持合法赴美旅行和移民,同时保护美国公民和美国国家利益' ")
with (b) Reports: US to Change Visa Policy for Chinese Students. VOA, June 1, 2018
https://www.voanews.com/a/us-rep ... udents/4419995.html
(State Department spokesman Richard "Buangan, who is managing director for International Media Engagement, and former spokesman of the US Embassy in Beijing, told VOA that 'national security is our top priority when adjudicating visa applications.'
'We are constantly working to find ways to improve our screening processes and to support legitimate travel and immigration to the United States while protecting US citizens and national interests,' he said")

My comment: (2)(a) describes 一名美国国务院发言人 separate from Richard Buangan, as if they are two different persons --while in fact they are one and the same. What is critical in (2)(b) is this: "When contacted by Voice of America, State Department spokesman Richard Buangan, offered no details about the reported changes."

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