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法广, July 17, 2018

发表于 7-17-2018 13:36:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 弗林, '通俄门' 风头正劲 美国联调局逮捕一在美俄罗斯女子.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E6%94%BF%E6%B2 ... F%E5%A5%B3%E5%AD%90
("美国司法部在周一发布通告 * * * 这名29岁的俄罗斯女子名叫玛利亚·布蒂娜 [Maria Butina]。她在上星期天 [Sunday, July 15] 遭到美国联邦调查局逮捕并关押候审,并于 [Monday] 16日下午在华盛顿特区联邦地区法院出庭受审 [sic; should be 'arraigned'],将等待18日举行的听证会。如果罪名成立,布蒂娜将面临最高5年的刑期。布蒂娜在她的推特账号上写道,其是 '有权携带武器' 组织的创始人 [she founded a Russian group called the Right to Bear Arm in Russia in 2011: Washington Post today] 和理事会理事。 * * * 她的律师罗伯特·德里斯科尔则在周一否认了上述指控称,布蒂娜不是俄政府代理人 punrefistered agent],并称其近期刚从美利坚大学 [American University (1893- , private, based in Washington, DC)] 毕业并获得国际关系硕士学位 [master's degree in international relations],目前持学生签证旅美,已经获得工作许可")

My comment: How come she can hold a gun? I wondered, upon reading this report. In fact there are many photos of hers holding a rifle, a pistol etc. But all of them were shot in Moscowa -- not in US. See, ef, Julia Ioffe, The Rise of Russia’s Gun Nuts. New Republic, Nov 16, 2012.

(2) 古莉, 向习近平画像泼墨女子被拘 上海警方称不知此事.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest; the quotation is the only thing new. Indeed, the AFP report only mentions it at the end of its report. See Woman Throws Ink On Xi Jinpings Poster. AFP, July 16, 2018
("Shanghai police denied knowledge of the case when contacted by AFP")

(3) 甄树基, '大海领军' 传闻下人民日报刊文赞扬汪洋的亲家张爱萍.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E6%94%BF%E6%B2 ... 0%E7%88%B1%E8%90%8D
("人民日报16日刊登一篇文章,炮轰中共一些人习惯于搞假大空走浮夸路,因此号召向中共已故两名元帅彭德怀、张爱萍学习。 * * * 张爱萍的孙子张辛亮是汪洋的女婿")

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