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M1A2戰車 明年採購

发表于 8-16-2018 15:35:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
涂鉅旻, M1A2戰車 明年啟動採購. Liberty Times, Aug 17, 2018
("行政院院會昨 [Aug 16] 通過明年度中央政府總預算案 * * * 軍方確定明年度編列美製M1A2戰車採購預算,預計籌獲一○八輛柴油引擎車款")

(a) Central News Agency reports today (Aug 16) in Chinese about the budget for the new tanks: "約新台幣300億元" or $1b.
(b) The en.wikipedia.org for "M1 Abrams" says the engine is "Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel turbine engine." A separate wiki page for that engine says, "The engine can use a variety of fuels, including jet fuel, gasoline, diesel and Marine Diesel."
(c) Gavin Phipps, Taiwan seeking to buy M1A2 Abrams MBTs from US. IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, July 11, 2018
https://www.janes.com/article/81 ... abrams-mbts-from-us
("Taiwan first asked the United States to provide M1A2 tanks nearly 18 years ago as part of a request made under the US administration of President George W Bush. Although that sale was approved in 2001, no further action was taken at the time")
(d) "Through the 1960s, the MBT replaced almost all other tanks, leaving only some specialist roles to be filled by lighter designs or other types of armored fighting vehicles." en.wikipedia.org for "main battle tank" (MBT).

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