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发表于 12-22-2018 11:45:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 12-22-2018 11:58 编辑

(1) 县市长选举: 2018年11月24日举行. 现任无党籍市长柯文哲 (41.89%) 败 国民党丁守中 (40.82%), 民进党姚文智 (17.29%). (最后比率: 丁求验票, 结果输更多)

(a) One should not trust all opinion polls. Especially in Taiwan, the pollsters might have hidden agenda.
(b) "新台灣國策智庫 Taiwan Brain Trust (TBT) 為辜寬敏先生於2010年 * * * 所創立.": 新台灣國策智庫.   辜 was born in 1926, presently 92 years old, and a die-hard pro-independence wealthy man.
(c) Utterly disappointed with ger, pro-independence die-hards broke with president Tsai Ing-wen and predicted she would a one-termer.
(d) Up to now, Tsai still wants to be the presidential nominee of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) --despite resigning from its chairmanship (a vantage point to manipulate primary to chairman's advantage). Lai today signals he wants to quit premiership  (probably the first time since the November election). I do not know why he (Lai) hesitates. Tsai's ship is going down -- not because of Chinal she lacks charisma (on the other hand, no prominent politician in Taiwan has that, either).
(e) Ma Ying-jeou has refused to rule out running for president under the KMT banner. KMT chairman 吳敦義 is mum, but is believed to think it is his turn.

(3) 活動新聞稿: 「九合一選後最新政局情形與 2020總統大選選情評估」民意調查發佈記者會. 新台灣國策智庫, 2018年12月20日.


"蔡總統的滿意度與歷次調查比較,滿意度一路下滑到19%的歷史新低, 相對的不滿意度也創下66.8%新高,賴清德院長滿意度也下滑到32.7%;九合一選舉則顯示民進黨支持度陷於低檔,國民黨是緩升維持平盤,而這次當選 16 席 [2018年縣市議員] 的時代力量則穩定增加到17%,有逐漸接近並和民進黨交叉的趨勢。對於本次敗選的責任歸屬,有一半民眾認為蔡總統應負最大責任,但這是民眾對執政黨施政的不滿,有66.3%民眾認為不是統獨與國家認同問題。

"與七月的調查相比,蔡總統的支持度大減,但賴清德的支持度仍能維持,對於蔡賴配參與2020總統大選,可以獲得多數民進黨支持者的認可,但是其他政黨的支持者則傾向不支持。  從候選人的對比來看,蔡英文與吳敦義的支持度都偏低,因為都不受中間選民青睞,但有六成選民未明確表態,所以未來還存在變數;賴清德的支持度大致維持六成,是民進黨最可能獲勝的總統人選;模擬2020的總統候選人組合,柯文哲最值得觀察也最具優勢,柯具有絕對優勢且支持度有所上升,但是柯如果與朱立倫競選就有壓力,因為白色力量的支持者以國民黨居多,國民黨的支持者將大量回流至朱;如果柯文哲、朱立倫與 賴清德競選,將形成三強鼎立與三人不過半,重演本次台北市長選舉現象,柯在2020有一戰稱雄的實力。

* There is no graphic or video in this press release.

(4) I can not find a graphic in Liberty Times, Apple Daily or many other news reports. However, I find one here:

胡照鑫, 下一屆總統大選  藍, 綠, 白三角堵支持度. 匯流新聞網, 2018年12月20日 (online).
(In the graphic, 柯 is purple and undecided gray; the third KMT 國民黨 candidate in the two sets is 韓國瑜, mayor-elect 當選人 of City of Kaohsiung who had been a nobody but performed a miracle in the election)

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