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丁香医生 v 权健

发表于 12-28-2018 13:44:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I do not have time to annotate Note (a) of article (1). I will finish that tomorrow. However,, even if I had time, the annotation will be voluminous taht you as a reader might miss (2) and (3). So I will publish it now, and had another posting tomorrow when I complete annotation.

(1) 曾鼎 and 刘璐, 百亿保健帝国权健,和它阴影下的中国家庭. 丁香医生, Dec 25, 2018.
(a) 微信: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/J5XA3K5PcOEsgs6czE0nlg
(b) Web: https://dxy.com/column/21773

(a) Four-year-old "周洋 * * * 父亲为了救患有骶尾部恶性生殖细胞瘤的女儿,几乎卖掉了包括房子在内的全部家当。* * * 周洋本来在北京儿童医院治疗,进行了 4 次手术, 23 次化疗。  她的主治医生后来告诉我们,过程很痛苦,治疗不算顺利。  但她的肿瘤标志物(甲胎蛋白)一度降到了 20 多(正常数值是 0~20 )。
(i) 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院
(A) PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board, Childhood Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors Treatment (PDQ®). In PDQ Cancer Information Summaries. PDQ, Dec 13, 2018 ("health professional version")
(B) Childhood Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors Treatment (PDQ®). ("patient version").
https://www.cancer.gov/types/ext ... -cell-treatment-pdq
(iii) PDQ® - NCI's Comprehensive Database. National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health (NIH), undated
("PDQ (Physician Data Query) is NCI's comprehensive source of cancer information. It contains cancer information summaries on a wide range of cancer topics; drug information summaries on many cancer-related drugs and drug combinations; and dictionaries of general cancer terms, drug terms, and genetics terms. PDQ also contains a directory of professionals who provide genetics services")

(2) 权健官方严正声明. Dec 26, 2018.
https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/ ... 4321289018980200#_0

(3) Weibo by 丁香医生, Dec 26, 2018.
(12月26日 08:40 来自 iPhone客户端: "不会删稿,对每一个字负责,欢迎来告")

(a) At the top of the page is "丁香医生[:] 丁香园旗下健康科普平台丁香医生网站DXY.com官方微博."
(b) In the left column is, among other items: "简介: 丁香医生是一个提供专业医疗健康服务的平台,集健康科普、药品查询、在线问诊(互联网医院)、就医推荐等功..."


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