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发表于 1-17-2019 15:28:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-17-2019 15:49 编辑

I had a posting yesterday titled "Ezra Pound's Cathay," where
"(f) The last of the four lines in 渭城曲 is 西出阳关无故人. It was translated as 'the gates of Go.' The 'Go' is neither Chinese nor Japanese."

I jusy added the following: "On second thought, I realize that Pound might have misread Ernest Fenollosa's HANDWRITTEN notation of 'G' when it should be 'Y.' You see, Gates of Yō 阳关, and Yō (long vowel of 'o]) is Japanese pronunciation for kanji 阳.

(a) 唐顏真卿祭姪文稿 卷. , undated (作品號: "故-書-000060-00000")
https://painting.npm.gov.tw/pain ... =p&paintingid=3
(書體 行書; 裝裱形式 卷; all modifications in the draft are cataloged one by one)
(b) 唐顏真卿祭姪文稿. In 故宮動漫嘉年華. 國立故宮博物院, undated.

(i) Though the left side of (1)(a) shows an image and says "下載." The download is in fact incomplete.
(ii) The (1)(b) also allows download, which is full including critiques (presumably by emperors) to the right and left of the draft (by 顏). Compared with the image in (1(a), it is clear that the one in (1)(a) misses the first four lines of the draft.


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 楼主| 发表于 1-17-2019 15:36:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-17-2019 17:08 编辑

(2) Unrivaled Calligraphy: Yan Zhenqing and His Legacy  特別展「顔真卿  王羲之を超えた名筆」. Heiseikan Special Exhibition Galleries 平成館 特別展示室, Tokyo National Museum 東京国立博物館, Jan 16 - Feb 24, 2019.
"Bringing together exquisite works from collections in Japan and abroad, this exhibition will explore Yan Zhenqing and his work, its influence on future generations, and its reception in Japan")

(A) Hei-sei-kan  平成館. The "ei" is the long vowel of "e" in Japanese Romanization. 平成 is 今上天皇's 元号/ 年号.
(B) Tokyo National Museum  東京国立博物館
(1872- ; located inside Ueno Park 上野公園 in Taitō 台東(区), Tokyo)

As for the etymology of Taitō, it (district) arose from merger of former 下谷区 and 浅草区. For the name of new district, each proposed a variant of its name: 上野区 and 東区, respectively. The resolution was to adopt the name of a primary school 下谷区台東小学校. A portmanteau of 上野の高台 [elevation: 12m] の「台」and downtowns of both 下谷 and 浅草 (these downtowns are east of 上野).

1947: "旧東京市の下谷区と浅草区が合併して誕生。 * * * 両区ともに下町文化の根付く由緒ある土地のため、合併後の名称は紛糾した。様々な案が考え出され、最終的に下谷区側の案は「上野区」、浅草区側の案は「東区」に収束したが、結局まとまらず、都知事の案により下谷区台東小学校にて既に採用されていた「台東」の語を用い「台東区」を区名とした。上野の高台の「台」と、上野の東側にある下谷と浅草の下町を連想する「東」を組合わせたもので、康煕字典にめでたい意味で載る瑞祥地名でもある。"  ja.wikipedia.org for 台東区.
(ii) Japanese pronunciation for 顔真卿 and 王羲之 are Gan Shinkei and Ō Gish, respectively (All Chinese pronunciations of kanji).
(iii) "Yan Zhenqing hailed from Linyi in Langye (modern-day Shandong Province). His courtesy name was Qingchen."

Was born in 長安. "字清臣 * * * 祖籍琅邪郡临沂县(今山东省临沂市."  zh.wikipedia.org for 颜真卿.

(b) Even though the URL provides at the top bar a "Language" tap that includes simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese, only two languages (Japanese and English) supplies at most superficial translation of the exhibition. Other languages lead to a page for the hours and location of the library with no reference of individual exhibition.

For this reason (informative and lively), I will quote English page of this exhibition:
(c) from this same URL:

"Chapter One | The Changing Form of Chinese Characters
― The Secret Evolution of Calligraphic Script ―

As with letters, Chinese characters are used to write down words, preserve their meaning, and communicate them to other people. To fulfil [which is British English, whereas 'fulfill' is American English; both from Old English fullfyllan fill up, make full] these tasks, there needs to be a certain quantity of these characters and their usage needs to be systematized. The oldest extant examples of characters that match these stipulations are found on oracle bones  dating back to China's Yin dynasty [殷 (商), name after Ruins of Yin 殷墟, in present-day 河南省安阳市]. The next examples date from the end of the Yin dynasty. Known as jinwen [金文], these were inscribed on bronze vessels [青铜器].

The characters were later standardized after the first Qin emperor unified the country in 221 BC. This marked the establishment of seal script [篆书] as the official script. Seal script has a sublime beauty marked by a right-to-left symmetry and an abundance of curved lines. However, it takes a long time to write out, so it was eventually simplified. This process led to the emergence of clerical script [隶书], which became the official script during the Later Han dynasty. Clerical script is characterized by strokes that sweep from the upper left to the lower right like heaving waves. The pursuit of practicality and faster writing then saw clerical script evolving into cursive and running script.

Eventually, clerical script was replaced by square-shaped standard script [楷书] as the final official script. After the north and south of China were unified during the Sui dynasty, standard script reached its completed form around the start of the Tang dynasty. Marked by a beautiful symmetry, standard script remains the regular way of writing Chinese characters to this day."

Chinese script styles
(section 1 Styles: table: "Semi-cursive script (Running script) 行书")
(d) “Chapter Two | Calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty: Until the Anshi Rebellion
― The Inheritance of Wang Xizhi's Traditions and the Completion of Standard Script ―

Wang Xizhi's penmanship was greatly admired by the second Tang emperor Taizong, who assumed the throne in 626. The emperor spent considerable sums collecting Xizhi's work from all over China. As a result, the opportunity to view Xizhi's calligraphy was lost to the general public. Taizong obtained Preface to the Lanting Pavilion [兰亭集序], Xizhi's masterpiece, from the monk Biancai [辩才和尚] using underhand means. He then ordered Yu Shinan [pinyin for kanji 虞世南], Ouyang Xun [kanji: 欧陽詢], Chu Suiliang [kanji: 褚遂良], and other master calligraphers to copy the original work, and he had his best artisans make elaborate reproductions. However, Taizong loved the work so much that he was buried with it, so the original was lost to the world after just 296 years in existence. In this way, Wang Xizhi was deified by Emperor Taizong.

(section 4 五大摹本: "台北国立故宫博物院收藏:兰亭领字从山:黄绢本兰亭(唐,褚遂良)" )

In this URL, this copy is called
        "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion, Yellow-silk Version
        Copied by Chu Suiliang, original: by Wang Xizhi
        Tang dynasty, 7th century
        On long-term loan to the National Palace Museum, Taipei."

(e) The rest in this URL:
(i) "Inscription on Stele of Duobao Pagoda of Qianfusi Temple
By Yan Zhenqing
Tang dynasty, dated 752
Tokyo National Museum"
(A) The corresponding version of this URL says,
"千福寺多宝塔碑 (せん-ぷく-じ-た-ほう-とう-ひ) 顔真卿筆
(B) 多宝塔碑
(楷书; originally 大唐西京千福寺 and presently 西安碑林博物馆)
(C) stele
(ii) "Autobiography
By Huaisu
Tang dynasty, dated 777
National Palace Museum, Taipei"
(A) 懷素, 自敘帖. 國立故宮博物院, undated

(B) 怀素
(iii) "Thousand-character Essay in Small Cursive Script, Known as Qianjin Tie  [千金帖 ('一字一金と評され' (my translation; praised for one character for one unit of gold): Japanese version)]
By Huaisu
Tang dynasty, dated 799
On long-term loan to the National Palace Museum, Taipei"

懐素, 小草千字文. 國立故宮博物院 (I can not find its Web page.)
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