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Mark 41 Vertical Launch System (for Missiles) Arrives in Taiwan

发表于 1-28-2019 12:08:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-28-2019 12:16 编辑

Latest first. There is no need to read the rest of the texts..

(1) 朱明, 【獨家】兩套「Mk 41 VLS」運抵高雄 中科院將執行海弓三實彈驗證及整合測試. 上報 Up Media, Jan 24, 2019
("中科院 * * * 向美商購的2套MK41垂直發射系統(Vertical Launching System,VLS),日前由海運方式運抵高雄 * * * 未來兩套「Mk 41 VLS」洛馬授權 由中科院組裝製造 [(which is sectional heading) :] 中科院2016年6月底與美商洛克希德·馬丁(Lockheed Martin)公司簽訂商購2套Mark 41垂直發射系統(Mark 41 Vertical Launching System,簡稱「Mk 41 VLS」)與部分的技術轉移的合約,依照合約執行時程是以60個月(5年)的時間,完成進行各項測試與技轉,以及相關人員的技術培訓工作。未來第二套以後的MK41垂直發射系統,在洛馬公司授權並由顧問協助上,完全由中科院在國內組裝生產製造。  Mark 41垂直發射系統從1986年服役至今,全世界各國海軍有超過百艘的各式巡防艦或驅逐艦採用該系統,可配備多種不同類型的飛彈,包括海麻雀(RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile,ESSM)短程對空防禦飛彈、標準二型中程防空飛彈、RIM-161標準三型防空飛彈、阿斯洛克反潛飛彈、以及戰斧巡弋飛彈等")

(a) RIM-162 ESSM
(table: In service 2004- , Manufacturer Raytheon; Unit cost US$1m; is designed to counter supersonic maneuvering anti-ship missiles)
(A) RUM-139 VL-ASROC (an anti-submarine missile in the ASROC ['Anti-Submarine ROCket'] family; table: In service 1993- , Manufacturer Lockheed Martin)  en.wikipedia.org for "RUM-139 VL-ASROC,"
(B) 1963 United States Tri-Service missile and drone designation system
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19 ... _designation_system
(1st letter (launch environment) R: Surface ship; 2nd letter (mission) U: Underwater attack; third letter (vehicle) M: Guided Missile)
(C) Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Rocket ASROC (VLA) Missile. US Navy, undated (under the heading "Fact File")
https://www.navy.mil/navydata/fa ... p;tid=1500&ct=2
("VLA includes a solid-propellant booster thrust vector control (TVC) and a digital autopilot control (DAC) to guide the missile from a vertical orientation through a pitch-over maneuver into a ballistic trajectory intended to deliver the torpedo to an aim point on the ocean surface" -- mentioning Mark 46 and 54 (latest model), both being torpedos )

TVC will be explained in the companion posting, about DF-26.
(D) Andrea Parsch, Lockheed Martin (Loral) RUM-139 VL-Asroc. Dec 6, 2004 (under the heading "Directory of US Military Rockets and Missiles")
("In addition to the ASROC's inertial guidance system, the VL-Asroc uses a digital autopilot, which controls the flight path using the thrust-vector control of the MK 114 MOD 0 solid-rocket booster. The autopilot makes the RUM-139 more manoeuverable than the RUR-5, and enables it to fly a shallower trajectory, avoiding errors by high-altitude winds. The range is controlled as in the RUR-5 [predecessor to RUM-139], ie by motor cutoff and airframe separation at a precalculated point in the trajectory. The payload of the RUM-139A is a MK 46 MOD 5A light-weight homing torpedo, which is decelerated and stabilized by a parachute system before it enters the water")

A defense contractor founded in 1948 in New York by William Lorenz and Leon Alpert, Loral Corp, having sold defense business to Lockheed Martin in 1996, became Loral Space & Communications.  en.wikipedia.org for Local Corp.

mark (designation)
(section 1 Usage)

Mark may be written mark or mk; Mod (short for model; akin to version in Silicon Valley, California), MOD or mod.
(A) 垂直発射型アスロック 発射の映像【護衛艦きりしま】VL-ASROC. Youtube.com, published by こしりり on Nov 25, 2018
(B) 護衛艦きりしま  JS Kirishima (DDG-174)
(is a Kongō-class 金剛型 [named for 金剛山 in 大阪府] guided missile destroyer; named for Mount Kirishima 霧島 山 [kiri us Japanese pronunciation for kanji 霧: mist, fog]; table: Builder: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Commissioned 1995, Homeport Yokosuka)

(2) 羅添斌 (台北), 美台交流突破瓶頸 我3飛彈性能提升、射程更遠更準. June 17, 2018 ("即時")
("美國政府首度同意台灣派員到美國重點實驗室參訪 * * * 相對於天弓、天劍以及雄風系列飛彈的發展較為順利,軍方在自主研發艦載飛彈的垂直發射系統上,卻長期面臨「卡關」,亟待突破。相關官員說,美國已同意出售垂直發射系統給台灣,台灣則希望在與美國進行科研合作、赴重點實驗室參訪時,美方能夠在關鍵技術上「指點迷津」,讓台灣的新一代巡防艦及主力戰艦上,能夠配備台灣自主研發的垂直發射系統")

(3) 朱明, 迅二計劃啟動 美同意售台垂直發射系統. 風傳媒 The Storm Media, Oct 12, 2014


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