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Two Corrections

发表于 1-30-2019 14:50:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
It is Chief of Naval OperationS" -- with an S at the end of "Operation."

Last night I figured out "fellow Corps Six grad,” which is meant to be "fellow Course Six” grad.”

I was a researcher at Department of Biology at MIT for seven months. People in MIT like to think they are science-minded, and names of MIT buildings (academic, but not dormitories or student center, gym etc) and courses (ie, departments) are numbered. So EECS is Course 6. (To me, that is unusual among American colleges, but not something worthy of pride or excitement (as many MIT people display). It is idiosyncratic, I will say.)

"Course 6" is jargon that no outsider will comprehend. But Mr Hederman was addressing the admiral, whose understanding of the term Hederman knew.

About CNO John M Richardson:
(a) Born in 1960 in Virginia, Richardson graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science in Physics.
(b) Admiral John M Richardson, USN. Chief of Naval Operations. US Navy, undated
("He holds master's degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and National Security Strategy from the National War College
(c) Meg Murphy, Ties with MIT Run Deep for the US Navy's Top Officer; Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson SM '89, EE '89, ENG '89 poses global challenges to academe. MIT News, July 6, 2018.
http://news.mit.edu/2018/ties-wi ... ohn-richardson-0706
(i) There is no need to read the text, which is not informative.
(ii) Degree Programs. Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, MIT, undated
https://www.eecs.mit.edu/academi ... ram/degree-programs
("The EECS Department offers four graduate degree programs: 1. Master of Science (SM) * * * 2. Master of Engineering (MEng) * * * 3. Electrical Engineer (EE)/Engineer in Computer Science (ECS)[;] 5. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/Doctor of Science (ScD), awarded interchangeably")

My Jan 16, 2018 posting titled "Ezra Pound's Cathay" (Notes (e) and (f) only):

(e) Exile's Letter  忆旧游寄谯郡元参军
(line 1: "To So-Kin of Rakuyo, ancient friend [old friend], Chancellor of Gen. Now I remember that you built me a special tavern"   忆昔洛阳董糟丘,爲余天津桥南造酒楼。)
(A) 古代參軍如何選出來?? Yahoo奇摩知識+, Nov 8, 2009
https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/que ... 00010KK07959&p=參軍%20唐朝官
(昏叫 (name of the person who provided the answer): "官名 * * * 參軍或參軍事,本參謀軍務之稱")
(B) "谯郡:今安徽毫县。元参军:名演": 百度百科.
(A) Regarding "So-Kin."  The Chinese pronunciations of kanji 糟 and 丘 are sō and kyū, respectively. So Pound might have made an error: it should have been "sō-kyū."
(B) 董糟丘 is name of 李白's friend, according to
殷春梅, 李白诗歌中的人名运用. 马鞍山市博物馆, Oct 26, 2009
webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6hp5qoLUP2YJ:www.mas-museum.com/news/0910/2/0 ... p;ct=clnk&gl=us
("他的一些赠友人的诗作和其他诗人的不同之处就在于他往往直接以友人之名入诗 * * * 忆昔洛阳董糟丘,为余天津桥南造酒楼。(《忆旧游寄谯郡元参军》)")

But this article did not explain 元参军.
(C) The following two has another (but the same) interpretation of 董糟丘.
* 李白《忆旧游寄谯郡元参军》全诗原文、注释、翻译和赏析. 可可诗词网, Sept 8, 2018
("【注释】 ①元参军: 即元演。演时为谯郡 (又称毫州,州治在今安徽毫县) 的参军,故名。 ②董糟丘: 洛阳一酒家。 ③天津桥: 在洛阳西南的洛水上")
* "第一段从'忆昔洛阳董糟丘' 到 '君留洛北愁梦思,' 追忆诗人在洛阳时的放诞生活及与元演的第一番聚散。这里最引人注目的是诗人鲜明的自我形象。从洛阳一酒家('董糟丘')说起,这个引子就是李白个性特征的表现。'为余天津桥(在洛阳西南之洛水上)南造酒楼,' 是一个何等主观的夸张!"
(iii) Of note, Pound translated the line "兴来携妓恣经过,其若杨花似雪何" as "Pleasure lasting, with courtezans [sic; both American English and British English spell courtesan], going and coming without hindrance, With the willow flakes falling like snow."   That is, 妓 as courtesans.
(f) The last of the four lines in 渭城曲 is 西出阳关无故人. It was translated as "the gates of Go." The "Go" is neither Chinese nor Japanese.

I indicated the next day: "I realize that Pound might have misread Ernest Fenollosa's HANDWRITTEN notation of "G" when it should be "Y." You see, Gates of Yō 阳关, and Yō (long vowel of "o") is Japanese pronunciation for kanji 阳.

Along the same line, Note(e)(ii)(A) may be explained by Ezra Pound's misreading Ernest Fenollosa's HANDWRITTEN notation of "n" (in "So Kin") when it should be "So Kyu."

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