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Genji Monogatari 源氏物語 (II)

发表于 2-28-2019 17:34:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
quotation (c) of the WSJ exhibit review:

"Over the centuries, it has inspired art in many genres, including calligraphy, silk robes, screens, scrolls and manga.  

"Among the exhibit's highlight are two works that have been designated national treasures in Japan. The first, a pair of screens of the Lotus Sutra from the 12th century, situate the 'Genji' [character] in a Buddhist context. The Lotus Sutra, a popular Buddhist scripture, promised salvation to those who ritually read it, heard it or wrote it out. Some religious readers feared 'Genji' could inspired lewd behavior, so patrons commissioned Lotus Sutra decorated with motifs from the tale 'to save Murasaki Shikibu an her readers from the sin of succumbing to seductive fictions,' Dr [Melissa] McCormick[, a professor of Japanese art and culture at Harvard, and a co-curator of the exhibit] said.

"The other national treasure is a pair of screens painted by the 17th-century artist Tawaraya Sotatsu. The screens depict two chapters of 'HGenji' with intricately drawn characters and sprawling landscapes. Because Sotatsu had a range of upper-class clients, his 'Genji' scenes confirms its prestige as a subject.


The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated. The Met, Feb 25, 2019
https://www.metmuseum.org/press/ ... 9/the-tale-of-genji
("Among the works on view, highlights will include two of Japan's National Treasures. The first, on loan from Seikado Bunko Art Museum, is a pair of screens by the Rinpa master Tawaraya Sotatsu (ca 1570-ca 1640)—Channel Markers 澪標 and The Barrier Gate 関屋—depicting two chance encounters between Genji and a former lover. The second is the breathtaking Heian-period Lotus Sutra with Each Character on a Lotus, from the Museum Yamato Bunkakan")

(i) TARAWAYA Sōtatsu  俵屋 宗達 (俵屋 means maker of straw sacks. 屋 is a house, hence alluding to the proprietor of the business operated in a house.)  

俵  tarawa
(ii) 琳派 Rinpa school ("本阿弥 光悦と俵屋宗達が創始し、尾形 光琳・[尾形] 乾山兄弟によって発展、酒井抱一・鈴木其一が江戸に定着させた")  ja.wikipedia.org for 琳派
was named after 尾形 光琳.

my rough translation: founded by the first pair, expanded by/flourished under the middle pair, and established by the last pair of painters
(iii) Seikadō Bunko Art Museum 静嘉堂 文庫 美術館 (1992- ; based in Tokyo; core collection from bequest of Yanosuke IWASAKI 岩崎 弥之助 (1851-1908; head of Mitsubishi and then of Bank of Japan) -- 静嘉堂 was name of his studio)  en.wikipedia.org.
(iv) 国宝 俵屋宗達筆 源氏物語関屋澪標図屏風 - 紙本金地著色 六曲一双 [上:関屋図   下:澪標図] 江戸時代 (17世紀). 静嘉堂文庫美術館, undated
("俵屋宗達(生没年未詳)は、慶長~寛永期(1596~1644)の京都で活躍した絵師 * * * 『源氏物語』第十四帖「澪標」と第十六帖「関屋」を題材とした本作は、宗達の作品中、国宝に指定される3点のうちの1つ")

my rough translation: 俵屋宗達 was active in Kyoto * * * This pair of artwork is one of the three 宗達 that is designated as national treasure

(i) Yamato Bunkakan 大和文華館 (1960- ; 奈良市; private; bequest of 種田 虎雄, head of 近畿日本鉄道株式会社 Kintetsu Railway Co, Ltd)  ja.wikipedia.org for 大和文華館.
(ii) 一字蓮台法華経〈普賢菩薩勧発品〉. 大和文華館
https://www.kintetsu-g-hd.co.jp/ ... n/collect02/01.html
(国宝  平安時代後期)

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