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发表于 3-26-2019 16:48:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Eli Lilly and Company 2018 Integrated Summary Report.
https://assets.ctfassets.net/had ... Final-WithCover.pdf

My comment:
(i) Integrated Summary Report (ISR)
(ii) integrated reporting
("Integrated reporting (IR) in corporate communication is a process that results in communication, most visibly a periodic 'integrated report' * * * It [IR] means the integrated representation of a company's performance in terms of both financial and other value relevant information")

There is no need to read the rest of this Wiki page.

(b) This ISR is not dated, nor does Google. However, Bing dated it "two days ago" despite "03062019" in the URL. Bing's dating is credible, because news report about this ISR was in print today.
(c) Pay attention to ISR page 16, particularly the two figures about its product Humalog (U100): "Lilly sets a list price for our medicines. To enable patient access, Lilly pays rebates and other discounts to payers and other supply chain entities. The final amount that Lilly ultimately realizes after paying these rebates and discounts is sometimes called the 'net price.' "

The phrase "payers and other supply chain entities" in the quotation refers in part to "pharmacy benefit manager," part of the middleman. After all, a patient does not buy medication directly from a pharmaceutical.
(d) I ask you to be patient and withhold judgment, as multi-agency investigation of drug prices is under way.

(i) Humalog is Eli Lilly's trade name fro "insulin lispro."
(ii) Insulin Lispro. Drugbank, undated
("Insulin lispro is produced by recombinant DNA technology utilizing a non-pathogenic laboratory strain of Escherichia coli and was the first commercially available insulin analog. Formerly called LYSPRO from the chemical nomenclature [LYS(B28), PRO(B29)], insulin lispro differs from human insulin in that the amino acid proline at position B28 is replaced by lysine and the lysine in position B29 is replaced by proline. These biochemical changes result in a reduced tendency for self-association and consequently rapid dissolution to a dimer and then to a monomer that is absorbed more rapidly after subcutaneous injection compared to human insulin")
(A) Called "insulin analog," because the switch of positions by two amino acids make it different from the natural HUMAN insulin.
(B)  Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded in 1923 for the 1921 extraction of insulin from dog pancreas. The 1958 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given to Frederick Sanger for his determination of amino acid sequence. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow received the 1977 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the development of the radioimmunoassay for insulin.
(C) FDA approved insulin lispro in 1996.
(D) For most of the last century, diabetic patients were treated with pork insulin, which causes allergy in some patients (because insulin from pigs and humans are not exactly the same in amino acid sequence).
(E) The B in the Drugbank quotation means B chain. Insulin has A and B chains.
(iii) DrugBank is a private (non-governmental) website, founded in 2006 by Dr David Wishart of University of Alberta. Its current version is 5.1.2.

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