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发表于 4-11-2019 16:06:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
夏珍專欄:民進黨的「驚天大布局」─放棄蔡英文?  風傳媒 The Storm Media, Apr 12, 2019.
https://www.storm.mg/article/116 ... 0KP5GSQ6H-VJLs%253D

(a) "在中執會通過延長初選前夕,透過「英營人士」放出「她可能慎重考慮離開民進黨」"

Ot was reported by The Storm Media as an exclusive. The office of the president 总统府 denied it right away.
(b) "中執會決議前傳出「賴清德(民調)讓三個百分點」,被視為對蔡英文的「羞辱」"

锺广政, 民进党总统初选竞争白热化 蔡英文、赖清德互不退让. RFA, Apr 9, 2019
https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/ne ... encoding=simplified
)"周二多家传媒引述消息人士指,蔡英文在会面中提出现任者优先,以及如果采取民调,赖清德要礼让蔡英文三个百分点,甚至有报道指出,蔡英文派系计划在周三 [Apr 10] 的民进党中执会提案,延长或取消初选 [which, per DPP ruule,  is an opinion poll by phone on a sample based on entire electorate not DPP members only -- not balloting],让蔡英文站在有利位置")

民进党 中央执行委员会 (中执会) did postpone the opinion poll (originally to start within days) indefinitely -- at least to a date unknown.
(c) "黨中央,有她屬意的黨主席卓榮泰坐鎮,不論初選爭議如何難解,他總能四平八穩,維繫「黨中央」辦理選務的中立公正,但她不要初選,卓榮泰給不了,最多延後時程"

卓榮泰 is Tsai's man, but Tsai has not wanted opinion poll any more once Lai jumped in the DPP primary. She wants 征召, by rewriting the DPP rule through 召开临时全代会 she now prefers but can not muster enough support in 中执会. So she postpones everything, to 以空间换取时间.

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