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美副助卿与蔡英文同台 + 许玮甯

发表于 4-13-2019 09:58:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 海伦, 美副助卿与蔡英文同台 赞美台经贸关系. VOA Chinese, Apr 11, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/us- ... 190410/4870159.html
("《台湾关系法》四十周年之际,美国在台协会将四月定为 '贸易与投资月。' 美国国务院负责贸易政策谈判的副助理国务卿米德伟(Daivd [sic] Meale)到访台湾 * * * 4月10日 * * * 美国国务院副助卿米德伟与台湾总统蔡英文及美国在台协会处长郦英杰共同出席台北美国商会的 '谢年饭' 活动")

(i) "The American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei held its 51st annual Hsieh Nien Fan banquet on April 10th in the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Taipei."  from AmCham in Taipei's website.
(ii) A photo in the website shows the background wall behind the podium has 谢年饭 in traditional Chinese characters. I am clueless about why it is called such,which sounds like a year-end activity.
(b) David Meale is, since December 2018, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Trade Policy and Negotiations.

(2) 又 '辱华' 了?台湾艺人许玮甯道歉. VOA Chinese, Apr 12, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/Tai ... 190412/4872988.html
("34岁台美混血的许玮甯,最近在社交媒体Instagram(及时电报)上,对一篇日本旅游的图文点赞,文章中有一段写到,'该地阿六仔满到炸开。' '阿六仔' 是部分台湾人称中国民众的用语,是台语 '大陆仔' 的意思。许多中国网民认为此文有贬损中国之意,炮轰许玮甯,扬言抵制她在中国的演出。 * * * 去年底,台湾国民党发言人欧阳龙的女儿欧阳娜娜,也因称自己到北京去工作是 '出国,' 遭到中国网民贴上 '台独人士' 标签")

(a) 许玮甯  Tiffany Ann Hsu

was born in 1983 in US, possibly grew up in Taiwan.
(i) When I left Taiwan in 1984, Taiwan had had no intercourse with China, So there is no term for Chinese (I am talking about Taiwan language, not Mandarin).
(ii) As in Mandarin as well as Chinese pronunciation in Japanese, in Taiwanese language 陆 and 六 are similar in pronunciation, but not the same.
(iii) In 1970s, a foreigner wrote a letter to editor of a (Chinese-language) newspaper in Taiwan, complaining that the Taiwanese-language term for a foreigner (in fact, whites), 阿凸仔, was discriminatory 歧视. I was speechless: come on, that alluded to their noses. (I myself has a similar nose bridge, too.)


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